Frequently Asked Questions – Faculty
Explore these FAQs by specific question or by topic. When in doubt, check out the Fast FAQ videos!
Top 3 FAQs
- Why can’t my students see the course? – How to make your course available
- Why can’t my students see their quiz grades? – Update the Review options setting for the quiz activity
- How do I add weights to my gradebook? – Change your gradebook’s aggregation to ‘Weighted mean of grades’
All Questions
- Fast FAQ: Adding Class Sessions to Your Attendance Activity
- Fast FAQ: Adding File Resources
- Fast FAQ: An Introduction to Moodle 3.2
- Fast FAQ: Changing the Dates on Your Main Course Page
- Fast FAQ: Changing Your Gradebook Aggregation
- Fast FAQ: Creating a Custom Grading Scale
- Fast FAQ: Creating a Zip File
- Fast FAQ: Creating an Assignment Activity
- Fast FAQ: Creating Online Discussion Forums
- Fast FAQ: Embedding Video
- Fast FAQ: Grading Online Discussion Forums
- Fast FAQ: Importing Content into Your Course
- Fast FAQ: Making Your Course Available to Students
- Fast FAQ: Setting Up Your Gradebook
- Fast FAQ: Submitting Enrollment Verification
- Fast FAQ: Submitting Mid-term Progress Grades or Final Grades
- Fast FAQ: Understanding Your Gradebook Aggregation Options
- Fast FAQ: Updating Your Profile
- Fast FAQ: Uploading Your Syllabus
- How do I access courses as a Program Chair or Dean?
- How do I add a ‘Welcome’ message to my course?
- How do I add a block in my course?
- How do I add a category to my gradebook?
- How do I add a file resource to my Moodle page?
- How do I add a file to Moodle which is greater than 100MB?
- How do I add a new student to an existing group?
- How do I add a user to a resource course?
- How do I add a weblink (URL) to my course page?
- How do I add an extra credit item to the gradebook?
- How do I add an override to a quiz?
- How do I add categories to the Question Bank in Moodle?
- How do I add class sessions to an existing attendance activity?
- How do I add class sessions to an existing Zoom activity?
- How do I add images to my course page?
- How do I add questions directly to the Question Bank in Moodle?
- How do I add random questions to a quiz?
- How do I add text to the weekly sections of my course?
- How do I add weights to my gradebook?
- How do I adjust my pop-up blocker settings?
- How do I allow a single student a different amount of time to take a quiz?
- How do I allow a single student a second attempt on a quiz?
- How do I allow a single student a second attempt on an assignment activity?
- How do I allow a single student to continue their existing quiz attempt?
- How do I change a student’s final letter grade after submitting it through Moodle? [You cannot.]
- How do I change my gradebook aggregation to ‘Weighted Mean of Grades’?
- How do I change my gradebook aggregation?
- How do I change my gradebook category’s aggregation?
- How do I change the grade or feedback for a manually entered grade?
- How do I change the weekly dates on my course?
- How do I copy selected text from a label in one course to a label in another course?
- How do I create a folder of resources?
- How do I create a manual or off-line gradebook item?
- How do I create a place in Moodle to accept homework assignments (i.e., an Assignment Activity)?
- How do I create a wiki in Moodle?
- How do I create an online discussion forum?
- How do I create groups of students in my course?
- How do I delete an item from my gradebook?
- How do I delete an item from the main page of my course?
- How do I drag-and-drop a file resource on to my Moodle page?
- How do I drop the lowest grade automatically?
- How do I edit an existing attendance activity?
- How do I edit the dates for multiple assignments at one time?
- How do I enter a grade for a student that has partial points like 4.5 out of 5?
- How do I enter a grade for a student who took a quiz activity on paper?
- How do I enter a zero for a student who didn’t take a quiz activity?
- How do I enter grades and feedback for a manual grade item?
- How do I export the Moodle Gradebook?
- How do I find a student’s ID number?
- How do I find my course in Moodle as a Faculty member?
- How do I find my gradebook in Moodle as a faculty member?
- How do I grade a student’s submission to an assignment activity?
- How do I grade students in a group in an assignment activity?
- How do I grant an extension for an Assignment activity?
- How do I import a test bank from Cengage into Moodle?
- How do I import a test bank from Evolve Elsevier into Moodle?
- How do I import all of the activities and resources from a previous course into this new semester’s course?
- How do I import selected items between courses?
- How do I increase my file size limit for uploads and attachments?
- How do I login to Moodle?
- How do I make an item extra credit in the gradebook?
- How do I make my course available to students?
- How do I make my Zoom link available to students?
- How do I make the existing attendance activity graded?
- How do I move items around in my gradebook?
- How do I move selected content between courses?
- How do I preview my Moodle quiz?
- How do I provide access to a course in my department as a program chair, dean, or administrator?
- How do I provide access to my course for an incomplete student?
- How do I provide access to my course for note-takers and other Trinity students?
- How do I provide access to my course for other instructors?
- How do I regrade a quiz activity?
- How do I remove an override in my gradebook?
- How do I reopen a quiz for a single student?
- How do I restore an item deleted from the main page of the course?
- How do I restrict access to an activity or resource by groups of students?
- How do I review and grade an essay question on a quiz?
- How do I self-enroll or use an enrollment key for a resource course?
- How do I send an email in Moodle?
- How do I set-up a gradebook that simply adds up all my points?
- How do I submit Enrollment Verification?
- How do I submit Final Grades earlier for graduating students?
- How do I submit Mid-Term Progress Grades or Final Grades?
- How do I take a screenshot?
- How do I take attendance for internships, independent studies, practicums, sport teams, and other similar courses?
- How do I take attendance in groups?
- How do I track attendance in online courses?
- How do I track changes in my students’ documents in Moodle?
- How do I track class attendance?
- How do I track the completion of activities and resources in my course?
- How do I upload a feedback file in an assignment activity?
- How do I upload my syllabus to Moodle?
- How do I view just the course totals for my students in the gradebook?
- How do I view my course evaluations?
- How do I view my Moodle pages as if I were a student?
- How do I view my official class list? [Self-Service]
- How do I view the current completion rate for my course evaluations during the open evaluations period?
- How do I weight items in my gradebook?
- I’ve received an “Invalid JSON string” error. What do I do?
- Is there a mobile app for Moodle?
- What am I required to do in Moodle, as a Faculty member?
- What are the different ways to view the Grader Report page?
- What do the ‘Review options’ on the ‘Quiz Settings’ page mean?
- What does ‘Suspended’ mean on the ‘Participants’ page?
- What is the ‘Announcements’ forum?
- What is the difference between a category and a grade item in the Moodle gradebook?
- Where can my students view their midterm progress grades and final letter grades?
- Why aren’t my category totals displaying on the Grader Report?
- Why can’t I see my students’ course totals on the ‘Grader Report’ page?
- Why can’t my students see their quiz grades?
- Why is my gradebook only showing my course total or only the category total for one or more categories?
- Why won’t my file picker or file browser load?