How do I find a student’s ID number?
Sometimes you may need to know a student’s ID number to submit an official form, such as a “Change of Grade” form or “Early Alert” form.
- You can locate a student’s ID number on your official ‘Class list’ in Self-Service. Follow these steps below.
- You can export your Moodle gradebook. The students’ ID numbers will export with the gradebook content. To do this, follow the steps located in this FAQ here.
Locating a Student’s ID Number in Self-Service
- Go to Self-Service. Self-Service is the shopping cart icon at the top of the main Trinity webpages:You can also reach Self-Service directly at
- Login to Self-Service using your normal Trinity account information. Remember your username is everything before the ‘@’ in your Trinity email address:
- Once logged in, accept the financial statement.
- Then, under the Faculty heading in the center of the page, click on the ‘Class list’ option.
- On the next page, click on the name of the course for which you wish to view the official class list.
- Once on the next screen, you will see all of your students listed alphabetically by last name. You can locate the students’ ID numbers in the second column.