The Instructional Technology department at Trinity Washington University is committed to empowering faculty, staff, and students with the tools and support they need to succeed. We provide direction, professional development and support to faculty, staff and students to ensure a seamless experience in using educational technology tools. Our responsibilities include managing Moodle, the university’s Learning Management System, and supporting technology integration into courses, to enhance teaching and learning.
Our team is committed to ensuring educational technology is accessible, by analyzing usage data, and evaluating student learning outcomes to inform future strategies. Additionally, we oversee Smart-Evals, the course evaluation system, and deliver comprehensive periodic and annual reports to drive continuous improvement.
- Moodle Training (Synchronous and asynchronous)
- Moodle Support
- Professional Development Workshops
- Instructional Design and Technology Integration
Office Hours
8AM – 5PM, Monday-Friday, with some flexibility
Submit a Moodle Support Help Desk Ticket
Moodle Login Assistance – also email & Self-Service assistance
Moodle Usage – don’t forget to check out the frequently asked questions!