Scholarship, Spirituality and Religiosity, and Service
The Billiart Center for Social Justice was established with the leadership of Sr. Mary Johnson, SND and Sr. Camilla Burns, SND at Trinity in September 2013. The Center continues the mission and influence of the Sisters of Notre Dame at Trinity through lectures, discussions and opportunities to put the idea of social justice into action. Named for St. Julie Billiart, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame, the Billiart Center rests on four pillars: scholarship, spirituality and religiosity, and service – pillars on which the identity of Trinity rests as well. The Center will explore contemporary local, national and international social and economic issues which affect the lives of women, particularly in the religious and political spheres. The programs offered by the Billiart Center will build on the many ways in which these themes already are explored in Trinity’s curricula and extracurricular activities. This Center is a central place that gathers and encourages what is already being done and offers assistance in developing more programs and ideas.
The devotion of Trinity faculty to teaching and scholarship is evident everyday on this campus. The religious and spiritual sensibilities of the majority of Trinity students is also abundantly clear. The commitment of the entire university community to service in a multitude of forms is so apparent. Programming for the new Billiart Center will build upon these strengths of the Trinity community. Lectures, films, discussion and reflection will revolve around the four pillars undergirding the Center. Faculty and student input for future programming will be solicited so that the co-curricular work of the Center will enhance what already exists at Trinity.