Welcome to Campus Ministry

Becoming involved in Campus Ministry at Trinity Washington University means discovering your spiritual strengths, nurturing your sense of justice and peace, and sustaining your own goodness in relationship with God’s goodness, and others.  By integrating your academic path with opportunities for prayer, conversation, worship, volunteer service, and even song, you will discover your strength!  We are here for you, and you are invited to visit Campus Ministry in Main Hall 224- Sr. Ann Howard, SNDdeN, X 9608, and 219- Dr. Stephen D. Thorne, X9609, to learn what events and activities will interest you during your new semester of study.

Students who wish to  join Lectio Divina, Mindfulness, Bible Study, Catholic Mass, and volunteer service opportunities may visit Campus Ministry for further information.

Campus ministry supports student volunteering in DC.  Check in this Fall to access opportunities for volunteering.  Tutoring, visiting our revered elders, feeding the hungry, planting vegetables for food, stacking food items, serving the sick: these are some of our volunteer opportunities.

Gospel Choir meets on Monday evenings at 7.
A directory for local Mass and Church services is available, and
Sacramental preparation is encouraged, and a spirit of prayerful support are all here for you, as a Trinity ‘sister’.

We offer a Wednesday Catholic Mass (Chapel in Main, 2nd floor) at 12:10, and the chapel is open throughout the day, so stop in when you feel the desire for personal prayer.  The Muslim prayer room (477 Main), Tuesday Bible Study (Main Hall chapel at 5 pm), Thursday gospel reflection (Main Hall chapel at 3pm) and a Tuesday and Saturday volunteer opportunities are available for you.  Campus Ministry supports worship opportunities, social justice awareness, with emphasis on Catholic Social Teachings, Notre Dame Hallmarks, climate awareness (Laudato Si) and the dignity of human life in your discovery of your own strengths.

Summer 2024 Cunneen Fellows

Save the date:  October 1, at 4pm, in Rose Parlor, to hear Arianna and Fernanda speak about their summer of service, their success in helping others and learning about how non-profits work.  Fernanda served with Pax Christi USA and Arianna with St. Ann’s Center for Children and Families.  There is much they have to share, and you may pick up an application for next summer.

Building Community

Trinity’s mission advances the spiritual values of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, who founded Trinity, who believe that education and spirituality transform lives. We strive to model diversity, interdependence, solidarity, and inclusiveness, reaching across racial, ethnic, and religious lines.

Spiritual Resources

Visit the chapel in Main, to pray, and to participate in these events:
Catholic Mass on Wednesdays at 12:10 Noon,
Mindfulness Mondays at 3 pm (meet in chapel),
Gospel Choir on Mondays at 7 pm – starts September 9, take the one-credit option.
Bible Study -for and by students- Tuesday evenings at 5 pm Chapel in Main,
Tuesdays, volunteering at Christ Houose, 4:30-6:30pm
Thursday Lectio Divina (on Sunday’s gospel) at 3pm, Chapel in Main,
Friday Rosary en espanol, at 3, Chapel in Main

See you there!

Contact Information

Sr. Ann Howard, SNDdeN
Director of Campus Ministry
Main Hall 224
Phone: 202-884-9608
Email: HowardAn@TrinityDC.edu

Dr. Stephen D. Thorne
Coordinator, Black Catholic Ministry, Spirituality, and Scholarship
Main 219
Email: ThorneSt@TrinityDC.edu

Upcoming Events