How do I grant an extension for an Assignment activity?
If the assignment activity window has closed and you wish to grant a submission extension for a specific student, you can follow the steps below. Note: you can click on any image to view a larger version of the image. Click on the assignment activity in which you wish to grant the extension. On the...
How do I delete an item from my gradebook?
How you delete an item from your gradebook depends on what type of item it is, and whether or not the item has been graded. The shorthand rule is that wherever you created the item, that is where you’d delete it. So if you created it in the gradebook from the ‘Gradebook setup’ page, you...
How do I allow a single student a second attempt on an assignment activity?
If you have not enabled the ‘Submit’ button or required the students to accept the submission statement, and it is still before the Cut-Off date/time in the system, the student should be able to delete the existing submission and add a new one without faculty intervention. Check out this Student FAQ, “How do I resubmit...
How do I track changes in my students’ documents in Moodle?
Unfortunately, there is no way to do shared document editing in the current installation of Moodle. You would need to download the students’ documents to your own computer. Make and track the changes. Save the file on your computer with a name that will help you locate it again (e.g., Paper2_FEEDBACK_StudentLastName-StudentFirstName.docx, StudentLastName-Paper2_FEEDBACK, etc.). Then go...
How do I upload a feedback file in an assignment activity?
Right now, there is no way in our current installation of Moodle to edit Word documents through Moodle. You will need to download them to your own computer, make the changes, and then upload them as a feedback file for your students through the assignment activity. The first thing to do is verify that your...
How do I create groups of students in my course?
You can place students in groups in the course and then enable the group options for various activities. Creating Groups Manually Login to Moodle and enter the course in which you wish to set-up the groups. From the main page of your course, in the left column (the one with the purple background), click on...
How do I track the completion of activities and resources in my course?
Moodle allows you to track the completion of the activities and resources you have created in Moodle. To do this, you would: Turn on ‘Completion tracking’ Login to your course in Moodle. In the upper right corner of your course, click on the gray “edit” gear wheel. From the drop-down menu that appears, click on...
How do I grade a student’s submission to an assignment activity?
As an instructor, you can create an online space where students can submit their homework assignments called an Assignment Activity. Through an Assignment Activity, a student can submit to you: Text typed directly into the browser File(s), 64MB or smaller You can then provide them a grade (if you would like to grade the assignment),...
Fast FAQ: Creating an Assignment Activity
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the process of creating a space for students to upload their homework files online so you (and only you) can download & grade them. This space is called an Assignment Activity. Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Creating an Assignment Activity Same Topic with Screenshots...
How do I create a place in Moodle to accept homework assignments (i.e., an Assignment Activity)?
Students can turn in files to you through Moodle. You can then provide a grade, comments, and even upload a corrected file for them. An Assignment Activity is the best choice to accept files online. To set up an Assignment Activity, follow these steps below. Login to Moodle and click on the course to which you...