How do I drop the lowest grade automatically?
As an instructor, you can indicate to Moodle that of certain graded items grouped together in a gradebook category, you would like the lowest of the graded items to be dropped. You can indicate how many (lowest two grades, for instance). Be aware that if you have not entered zeroes for ungraded assignments, Moodle will...
Fast FAQ: Creating a Custom Grading Scale
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Follow this 60-second video on the process of creating a custom grading scale in Moodle! Same Topic as Text with Screenshots Fast FAQ Video Transcript: Creating a Custom Scale English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is playing...
How do I add weights to my gradebook?
By default, the Moodle gradebook aggregation (the way it adds your grade values) is ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ This is points-based, and does not allow you to weight categories or items. If your syllabus is set up with various categories (e.g., Quizzes, Homework, Papers, etc.) or grade items (e.g., Mid-term Exam, Final Presentation, etc.)...
How do I find my gradebook in Moodle as a faculty member?
There are multiple ways to locate your gradebook as a faculty member. Once you are in the gradebook (from any direction), you can use the drop-down menu to navigate through it to the page you desire to be on. Note: you can click on any image to view a larger version of the image. There...
How do I delete an item from my gradebook?
How you delete an item from your gradebook depends on what type of item it is, and whether or not the item has been graded. The shorthand rule is that wherever you created the item, that is where you’d delete it. So if you created it in the gradebook from the ‘Gradebook setup’ page, you...
What are the different ways to view the Grader Report page?
The ‘Grader Report’ is the spreadsheet-like view of the gradebook with all the students listed down the left side of the screen, and all the graded activities listed across the top. There are actually three possible views that you can choose for the ‘Grader Report’ in the gradebook in Moodle. ‘Full view’ – everything in...
Why can’t I see my quiz grade?
In the Quiz activity, the instructor controls when the students can see each bit of information such as whether you got a specific question correct, what the correct answer is, and how many points you earned for the quiz (in other words, your grade on the quiz). If you cannot see your quiz grade, it...
How do I add an extra credit item to the gradebook?
As an instructor, you can indicate a pre-existing item is to be ‘extra credit’ or you can add a new extra credit item. Faculty FAQ: How do I make an existing item extra credit? This FAQ will walk you through creation process from scratch. Two Things of Note: Extra credit items are only possible in a...
How do I enter a grade for a student who took a quiz activity on paper?
If a student does not take online quiz activity that you have created and instead takes the quiz on paper, you will want to manually enter the grade that the student earned directly into the gradebook. To manually enter a grade for a student for a quiz activity, please follow the steps below. This is...
How do I export the Moodle Gradebook?
You may wish to export the Moodle gradebook content to Excel to keep a record of it at any point in time. To do that, follow the steps below. NOTE: You can also get the list of your students’ ID numbers this way, as they will export with the gradebook content. From the main page...