How do I make my Zoom link available to students?
As not all courses function with synchronous online sessions (though most do right now), the previously the Zoom activity in Moodle was hidden and required unhiding. However, now the Zoom activity is available to students by default. Once you have logged into your Trinity Zoom account first, come into Moodle and add the class meetings...
Fast FAQ: Creating a Custom Grading Scale
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Follow this 60-second video on the process of creating a custom grading scale in Moodle! Same Topic as Text with Screenshots Fast FAQ Video Transcript: Creating a Custom Scale English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is playing...
How do I add images to my course page?
Each week or topic, including the top or “general” area, has a summary area. This is where information like your topic title or weekly goals could go. By default, the weekly topics display the date range for that week. To add an image to a weekly or topic section summary, follow the steps below. Login...
How do I provide access to my course for note-takers and other Trinity students?
As a Teacher for a course, you can provide any Moodle user access to your course as a ‘Guest participant,’ which is similar to the ‘Student’ role. (If you wish to provide another faculty member access, please read this FAQ, “How do I provide access to my course for other professors?“) To enroll the Trinity...
How do I add weights to my gradebook?
By default, the Moodle gradebook aggregation (the way it adds your grade values) is ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ This is points-based, and does not allow you to weight categories or items. If your syllabus is set up with various categories (e.g., Quizzes, Homework, Papers, etc.) or grade items (e.g., Mid-term Exam, Final Presentation, etc.)...
How do I add a new student to an existing group?
If you have a new student enroll after you have created your groups or if you are managing the on-going enrollment of a resource course with groups, you may need to add a single user to a group. You can do this from the “Participants” page. From the main page of your Moodle course, click...
How do I provide access to a course in my department as a program chair, dean, or administrator?
If you are a Program Chair, a Dean, or an administrator with greater access to courses than simply to the courses in which you are enrolled as a student or instructor, you will need to use either the “Search courses” box or the “All courses” link to locate your courses. You must be assigned as...
How do I provide access to my course for an incomplete student?
As a Teacher, Program Chair, Dean, or Administrator for a course, you can add the role of ‘Incomplete student’ to the account of the student in question through your ‘Participants’ page. Follow these steps below. From the main page of your course, look in your left column with the purple background. (If you do not...
How do I restore an item deleted from the main page of the course?
From Moodle version 3.2 and forward, the Moodle system offers a ‘Recycle bin’ where you can locate items deleted from the main page of your course. The deleted content is usually available in the Recycle Bin about 5-10 minutes after you initially delete it, and it stays there for 7 days. This does not apply to...
How do I add class sessions to an existing attendance activity?
The university requires that you complete daily class attendance through the Moodle Attendance activity. The system will pre-populate the Moodle attendance activity shell, but you, as the faculty member, will need to indicate when your course meets. You would do this once at the beginning of the academic term, by adding a repeating class session....