How do I enter a grade for a student who took a quiz activity on paper?

If a student does not take online quiz activity that you have created and instead takes the quiz on paper, you will want to manually enter the grade that the student earned directly into the gradebook. To manually enter a grade for a student for a quiz activity, please follow the steps below.

This is also how you would enter a zero for student who did not take the quiz at all. If you need to adjust a specific question and regrade the exam, please check out this FAQ, “How do I regrade a quiz activity?”

Note: you can click on any image to view a larger version of the image.

  1. From the main page of your course, look in your left column (with the purple background). If you do not see your left column, click on the menu icon in the upper left corner (with the three gray lines) to expand the column.
  2. Click on the ‘Grades’ link in the left column.
  3. On the ‘Grader report’ screen, turn on the editing capabilities by clicking the ‘Turn editing on’ button in the upper right corner.
  4. You will know the editing is on when there are boxes for each student for each assignment. For quiz activity item, there will already be grades for the other students. Simply enter the grade the student earned in the box for the student who did not take the quiz online. (In the image below, the students earned a zero.)
  5. Scroll down and look under the list of student names for the ‘Save changes’ button. Make sure you click the ‘Save changes’ button at the bottom when you are done entering grades or the grades will not be saved.
  6. At this point, the background of the cell which hold the student’s manually entered graded will turn a shaded light brown or tan color. This indicates that the activity has been overridden by the gradebook.
  7. If you were to allow the student to take the quiz after this point, the grade would not show up in the gradebook until you remove this override. Please explore the FAQ, “How do I remove an override in my gradebook?” for instructions.