Where can my students view their midterm progress grades and final letter grades?
Final letter grades, as well as midterm progress letter grades, can be viewed by the students in Self-Service, not in Moodle (Even though you, as a faculty member, submit the letter grades through Moodle). These grades are the letter grades “of record” submitted to Enrollment Services and the final letter grades listed on the students’ transcripts. You...
How do I track changes in my students’ documents in Moodle?
Unfortunately, there is no way to do shared document editing in the current installation of Moodle. You would need to download the students’ documents to your own computer. Make and track the changes. Save the file on your computer with a name that will help you locate it again (e.g., Paper2_FEEDBACK_StudentLastName-StudentFirstName.docx, StudentLastName-Paper2_FEEDBACK, etc.). Then go...
How do I upload a feedback file in an assignment activity?
Right now, there is no way in our current installation of Moodle to edit Word documents through Moodle. You will need to download them to your own computer, make the changes, and then upload them as a feedback file for your students through the assignment activity. The first thing to do is verify that your...
Fast FAQ: Grading Online Discussion Forums
[Faculty Fast FAQ] If you would like to grade an online discussion forum from within the activity, you will need to enable ‘Ratings.’ The video below contains information about the various aggregations possible for the rating of forum activities. To learn more about creating an activity, please view the Fast FAQ video: Creating Online Discussion...
Fast FAQ: Understanding Your Gradebook Aggregation Options
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a video on the various gradebook aggregation, and choosing the right one for your gradebook! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Understanding Your Gradebook Aggregation Options Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of...
Fast FAQ: Setting Up Your Gradebook
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a video demonstrating the process of setting up your gradebook! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Setting Up Your Gradebook Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is...
Fast FAQ: Changing Your Gradebook Aggregation
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on how to change the aggregation of your gradebook! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Changing Your Gradebook Aggregation Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the...
Fast FAQ: Creating an Assignment Activity
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the process of creating a space for students to upload their homework files online so you (and only you) can download & grade them. This space is called an Assignment Activity. Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Creating an Assignment Activity Same Topic with Screenshots...
Fast FAQ: Importing Content into Your Course
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 2.9 process of adding URL resources to your course! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Importing Content into Your Course Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of...
Fast FAQ: Creating Online Discussion Forums
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here are three quick videos on exploring, creating, and grading online discussion forums. <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is playing to make the video full screen. About Online Discussion Forums Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): About Online Discussion Forums...