How do I change my gradebook aggregation?
By default, the Moodle gradebook aggregation (the way it adds your grade values) is ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ If you wish to use another aggregation in your gradebook, follow the steps below to change the aggregation.
For more information on choosing the right aggregation for your gradebook, check out this Fast FAQ video, “Understanding Your Gradebook Aggregation Options.”
- Login to Moodle and enter the course in which you wish to set-up the gradebook.
- In the upper right corner of the main page, click on the gray ‘Edit’ gear wheel.
- From the drop-down menu that appears, select the “Gradebook setup” option.
- From the “Gradebook setup” page, locate the “Actions” column.
- Follow your course name across to the “Actions” column. Click on the “Edit” drop-down under the “Actions” column.
- Choose the “Edit Settings” option.
- On the next page, change the “Aggregation” option. Scroll down and save your work.
- Back on the “Gradebook setup” page, if you have chosen an aggregation of either “Weighted Mean of Grades” or “Natural,” you will now see a “Weights” column.
- For “Natural,” the weights in the boxes are automatically generated and are there only to show you what weight the points for that assignment carry in the overall course total. (For example, in a 500-point course, an assignment of 100 points carries a weight of 0.2 or 20% of the course total grade.)
- For “Weighted Mean of Grades,” update the weights in the appropriate boxes, and click the “Save changes” button underneath the gradebook.