How do I grade students in a group in an assignment activity?
Groups and groupings can be set-up to allow subsets of your course to do various activities in isolation of other group.
Once groups and groupings are set-up in your course, there is another group-related setting on the Assignment settings page that allows students to submit in groups, and, consequently, allowing you to grade in groups.
To get back to your Assignments settings & change the group submissions options, follow these steps.
- Login to Moodle. In your “My Courses” block, click on the course in which you want to make the change.
- From the main page of your course, click on the Assignment activity that you wish to update.
- From within the Assignment activity, click on the gray ‘edit’ gear wheel in the upper right portion of the main assignment activity page.
- Click on the “Edit settings” option.
- Scroll down the settings page to the section titled, “Group submission settings.” Expand the section by clicking on the title.
- For the first setting, “Students submit in groups,” update the option to ‘Yes’.
- The options for the second and third settings,”Require group to make submission,” and “Require all group members submit,” can be left at their defaults of ‘No’ for the most flexibility. (“Require group to make submission” means that any individual without a group will not be able to submit. “Require all group members submit” requires each member of the group to click the submit button before the assignment is viewed as submitted.)
- For the fourth and final setting of this section, “Grouping for student groups,” choose the appropriate grouping for the assignment.
- Scroll down and click the “Save and display” button.
At this point, you should now be able to grade in groups. To do that, start with steps 1 & 2 above, if you are not still in your Assignment activity.
- Login to Moodle and, in your “My Courses” block, click on the course which contains the assignment activity that you wish to grade.
- In your course, locate the assignment activity. Click on the name of the assignment activity.
- From on the main page within the Assignment activity, locate and click on the link titled “View all submissions.” (If you’ve already reviewed the submissions, you can jump directly to the grading page by clicking on the purple “Grade” button.)
- From the Assignment submission screen, you have a number of options. You can download all of the submissions, filter by groups, and filter by submission status (bottom of the page), among others.
- To grade the group, click on one of the purple “Grade” buttons to grade a specific group.
- You can verify which group you are grading:
- Provide the grade and feedback for the entire group.
- At the bottom of the grading screen, there should now be a section titled, “Group submission settings.” Make sure the option for “Apply grades and feedback to entire group” is ‘Yes.’ If you wish the system to notify the students that their assignment has been graded, make sure the setting next to “Notify students” is also ‘Yes.’ Save changes.
- Now when you return to the submissions page, the grade and feedback will be populated for all the group members.