How do I edit the dates for multiple assignments at one time?
In Moodle 3.2, Trinity has access to the report titled, “Dates,” which allows instructors to edit the dates for multiple activities on one page. This is extremely helpful when you import a previous term’s course and need to update all of the activity use dates.
To access and use this report, follow the steps below.
- Login to Moodle. Click on the which contains the items from the previous term.
- On the main page of your course, look for the ‘Edit’ icon to the right of the name of the course. It looks like a gray gear with a small arrow pointed down just to the right of the gear.
- Click on the gear to drop-down the administration settings.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the list and select the “More…” option.
- On the “Course administration” page, in the “Course administration” tab, locate the “Reports” section. The second option should be “Dates.” Click on the “Dates.”
- You can filter by a specific activity by selecting a type from the “Activity type” drop-down.
- To see all of the items which have dates you can update, click the “Expand all” option on the right side of the screen.
- Once all of the week/sections have expanded, you can update all of the dates as necessary. You can see that you can also adjust the course start date from this screen in addition to the course settings page.
- For any date you wish to change that was not previously enabled, you will need to check the ‘Enable’ box next to the date befor eyou can update it.
- You’l notice that for the Quiz activity, the settings you can change here are only “Open the quiz” and “Close the quiz.” For any other settings, you will need to go into the settings for that specific Quiz activity.
- Note: You will only see Forum dates if you have previously enabled the setting in the forum to only allow ratings during a specific time. This is not the same as locking the forum after a period of inactivity, which you can do now. That must be down within the forum activity settings.
- Once you have updated everything you wish to update, scroll down to the bottom and click the “Save changes” button.