What does ‘Suspended’ mean on the ‘Participants’ page?

From Moodle 3.4 forward, all of your course’s enrollment information is on the “Participants” page.

The link to the “Participants” page can be found in the left column with the purple background. If you do not see the left column, click the three line menu icon in the upper left corner of the header to expand the left column.


On this page you will see a list of all users associated with your course. If you see a user whose status is ‘Suspended,’ this means that the user has dropped (or been dropped) from this course. It does not reflect anything related to a student’s status at the University. Simply that their course enrollment, which was at one point active (because they were enrolled) is now suspended (because they are no longer enrolled in your course).

In the example below, both Trinity Student 52 and Trinity Student 55 have dropped the course.