How do I change the weekly dates on my course?
All courses are created in Moodle with weekly date ranges at the top of each week/section. By default, these weeks begin with the first date of the academic session for that course. So if you are leading a course in the WEEKLY academic session and that session begins on a Tuesday, the weekly dates in Moodle will run from Tuesday to Monday, starting with that first Tuesday of the session.
There are two ways to change these dates. If you would like to simply shift them so that the dates run Monday through Sunday, for instance, you can change the course start date. If you would prefer the weeks to read something like ‘Week 2: Jupiter’s Moons,’ then you can manually override the weekly dates content.
Changing the Course Start Date
- Login to Moodle.
- Click on the course for which you wish to change the weekly dates.
- On the main page of your course, look for the ‘Edit’ icon to the right of the name of the course. It looks like a gray gear with a small arrow pointed down just to the right of the gear. Click on the gear to drop-down the administration settings.
- Select the first “Edit settings” option.
- On the “Edit Course Settings” page, look in the first section labelled “General.” The fourth item down is the “Course start date” setting.
- Adjust the setting to your liking. If you click on the small gray calendar icon, a calendar will pop up and you can select the date from there.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the “Course Settings” page. Click the “Save and display” button.
- Now your weekly dates will update accordingly (assuming none of the dates have been manually overridden).
Manually Overriding the Weekly/Topic Title Text
- On the main page of your course, look for the ‘Edit’ icon to the right of the name of the course. It looks like a gray gear with a small arrow pointed down just to the right of the gear.
- Click on the gear to drop-down the administration settings.
- Select the “Turn editing on” option.
- Scroll down to the week whose date range you wish to override.
- Click on the small gray pencil to the right of the date range you wish to override.
- Type in your new text.
- Click ‘Enter’ to save the text and ‘Escape’ to not make the changes.
- Once you click ‘Enter’, your weekly/topic section name is now overridden.
You will notice that when you move a section where you have overridden the section name, the name for the section does not change. Whereas if you move a week where you have not overridden the section name, the dates will adjust accordingly.