How do I provide access to my course for note-takers and other Trinity students?
As a Teacher for a course, you can provide any Moodle user access to your course as a ‘Guest participant,’ which is similar to the ‘Student’ role. (If you wish to provide another faculty member access, please read this FAQ, “How do I provide access to my course for other professors?“) To enroll the Trinity...
How do I provide access to a course in my department as a program chair, dean, or administrator?
If you are a Program Chair, a Dean, or an administrator with greater access to courses than simply to the courses in which you are enrolled as a student or instructor, you will need to use either the “Search courses” box or the “All courses” link to locate your courses. You must be assigned as...
How do I provide access to my course for an incomplete student?
As a Teacher, Program Chair, Dean, or Administrator for a course, you can add the role of ‘Incomplete student’ to the account of the student in question through your ‘Participants’ page. Follow these steps below. From the main page of your course, look in your left column with the purple background. (If you do not...
What does ‘Suspended’ mean on the ‘Participants’ page?
From Moodle 3.4 forward, all of your course’s enrollment information is on the “Participants” page. The link to the “Participants” page can be found in the left column with the purple background. If you do not see the left column, click the three line menu icon in the upper left corner of the header to...
How do I access courses as a Program Chair or Dean?
If you are a Program Chair, a Dean, or an administrator with greater access to courses than simply to the courses in which you are enrolled as a student or instructor, you will need to use either the “Search courses” box or the “All courses” link to locate your courses. You must be assigned as...
How do I self-enroll or use an enrollment key for a resource course?
There are some resource courses in Moodle which have self-enrollment enabled. This way, if you have the enrollment key, you can manually add yourself to the course. To do this, follow the steps below. Login to Moodle. In the “Search courses” box in the center of the main page, search for the resource course in...
What am I required to do in Moodle, as a Faculty member?
To best support our students, Moodle is the official Learning Management System for the University. In Moodle, all faculty are required to: Post your syllabus as a file resource on the main page of your course with the word ‘Syllabus’ in the name. If you have posted it elsewhere, such as in a forum discussion thread...
Fast FAQ: Submitting Enrollment Verification
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 3.2 process of submitting Enrollment Verification! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Submitting Enrollment Verification Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is...
How do I submit Enrollment Verification?
“Enrollment Verification” is a report required for financial aid from the Federal government. This report allows Trinity to be able to verify students’ attendance and, subsequently, disburse the appropriate financial aid to the students. As you know from working with your deans and from other University communications, submitting “Enrollment Verification” is mandatory. This process, which...
How do I add a user to a resource course?
To access any of the resource ‘course’ spaces in Moodle, you need to be enrolled in the resource course. If you are one of the individuals in charge of managing the resource space, then YOU may need to manage the enrollment of users! From the ‘Participants’ page in Moodle, you can add users to your...