How do I add weights to my gradebook?
By default, the Moodle gradebook aggregation (the way it adds your grade values) is ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ This is points-based, and does not allow you to weight categories or items. If your syllabus is set up with various categories (e.g., Quizzes, Homework, Papers, etc.) or grade items (e.g., Mid-term Exam, Final Presentation, etc.)...
How do I add a new student to an existing group?
If you have a new student enroll after you have created your groups or if you are managing the on-going enrollment of a resource course with groups, you may need to add a single user to a group. You can do this from the “Participants” page. From the main page of your Moodle course, click...
How do I provide access to a course in my department as a program chair, dean, or administrator?
If you are a Program Chair, a Dean, or an administrator with greater access to courses than simply to the courses in which you are enrolled as a student or instructor, you will need to use either the “Search courses” box or the “All courses” link to locate your courses. You must be assigned as...
How do I provide access to my course for an incomplete student?
As a Teacher, Program Chair, Dean, or Administrator for a course, you can add the role of ‘Incomplete student’ to the account of the student in question through your ‘Participants’ page. Follow these steps below. From the main page of your course, look in your left column with the purple background. (If you do not...
How do I add categories to the Question Bank in Moodle?
If you are not importing questions, you will likely want to add categories to help you separate the questions into easily located segments. (If you import, the categories often come with the imported questions automatically.) Please note: if you are planning on using the Random Question feature, then you will definitely need categories or Moodle...
How do I find my gradebook in Moodle as a faculty member?
There are multiple ways to locate your gradebook as a faculty member. Once you are in the gradebook (from any direction), you can use the drop-down menu to navigate through it to the page you desire to be on. Note: you can click on any image to view a larger version of the image. There...
How do I allow a single student to continue their existing quiz attempt?
Moodle allows for individual user overrides and group overrides for quizzes. These overrides can be used to allow a different number of quiz attempts, as well as a different open/close date/time windows and a different time limit. However, if you want the student’s second attempt to be a continuation of the first, you will need...
How do I add questions directly to the Question Bank in Moodle?
Instead of adding questions through the ‘Edit quiz’ page of the Quiz activity, you can add questions directly to your Question Bank and then add the selected questions to each individual Quiz activity from the Question Bank. To get questions into the Question Bank, you can either import existing questions or add questions individually. Importing...
How do I grant an extension for an Assignment activity?
If the assignment activity window has closed and you wish to grant a submission extension for a specific student, you can follow the steps below. Note: you can click on any image to view a larger version of the image. Click on the assignment activity in which you wish to grant the extension. On the...
How do I delete an item from my gradebook?
How you delete an item from your gradebook depends on what type of item it is, and whether or not the item has been graded. The shorthand rule is that wherever you created the item, that is where you’d delete it. So if you created it in the gradebook from the ‘Gradebook setup’ page, you...