How do I grade students in a group in an assignment activity?
Groups and groupings can be set-up to allow subsets of your course to do various activities in isolation of other group. Once groups and groupings are set-up in your course, there is another group-related setting on the Assignment settings page that allows students to submit in groups, and, consequently, allowing you to grade in groups....
Fast FAQ: Creating a Zip File
[Fast FAQ] There are times when you may need to submit, email or otherwise transport multiple files as one single file. For cases like this, you can combine the files together into one zipped or compressed file. Often, the file extension for these types of files is .zip, so you may also hear this type...
Fast FAQ: Uploading Your Paper
[Student Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 2.9 process of uploading your paper! Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format) English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is playing to...
Why won’t my file picker or file browser load?
The file picker/browser opens in a new, pop-up window and is powered by Javascript. Therefore, for the file picker to work properly, you must allow pop-ups for Moodle and have your Javascript enabled in whichever browser you are using. It’s also possible the you have a temporary file or cookies saved in your browser that...
How do I view my grade for an assignment I submitted through Moodle?
You can view the grade and feedback for a specific upload assignment activity through that actual assignment, as well as through the gradebook. To view your grade and feedback for assignment where you uploaded your file or files, follow the steps below. Login to Moodle. Click on your course in your “My Courses” block. Locate...
How do I view my grades throughout the course?
Your instructor may assign homework activities, quizzes, online discussions, or various other graded assignments through Moodle. If your instructor is maintaining the Moodle gradebook, you can view your progress, grades, and feedback for all your assignments in the course this way: Login to Moodle. Click on your course in your “My Courses” block. Make sure...
I’ve received an “Invalid JSON string” error. What do I do?
An invalid JSON error can occur for many reasons. The most common issue is usually associated with a file upload attempt, and can occur when: Attempting to upload a file with the same name as another already-uploaded file; Attempting to upload a file that is too large for the system (Sitewide the limit is 64MB;...
How do I upload to an assignment my professor created in Moodle?
How to upload to an assignment activity on Moodle. File Submission to an Assignment Activity Login to Moodle ( with the same username and password you use for your Trinity email account. Once you are logged in, click on the course in which you wish to submit your assignment. Once in the course, locate the...