How do I view my grades throughout the course?
Your instructor may assign homework activities, quizzes, online discussions, or various other graded assignments through Moodle.
If your instructor is maintaining the Moodle gradebook, you can view your progress, grades, and feedback for all your assignments in the course this way:
- Login to Moodle.
- Click on your course in your “My Courses” block.
- Make sure your left navigation column is expanded (the column with the purple background).
- Note: if you do not see a left navigation column, click on the small ‘hamburger’ icon (the one with the three lines) in the upper left corner of your Moodle.
- Click on the “Grades” link in the left navigation.
- Your “User report” will appear. Here you can see all the grades for assignments that your instructor has input and made available to students.
Individual Grade for an Assignment Activity
You can also view the grade and feedback for a specific assignment activity through that actual assignment, IF your instructor submitted it there and not directly through a manual grade item in the gradebook. If that IS the case, please use the steps above to access your grades & feedback.
To view your grade and feedback for assignment where you uploaded your file or files:
- Login to Moodle.
- Click on your course in your “My Courses” block.
- Locate the assignment on the main page of the course. Click on the name of the assignment.
- On the assignment page, scroll down beneath the instructions/description for the assignment.
- The first set of information is about your submission. If you’ve added text or a file, you will see it listed there.
- Under that, you can see the ‘Feedback’ for your assignment from your instructor. It contains your grade, and any feedback text or files.