Moodle is Trinity’s online course management system. It is an extensive virtual learning environment which is used by many of the faculty members here at the University. Through Moodle, students can access course information, class presentations, and activities. It is also used to administer tests, quizzes and to facilitate class discussions.
To access Moodle, click the orange moodle icon at the top right of any page of Trinity’s website.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why are my courses not showing up in Moodle?
Most likely your instructor has not enabled the course online. Even if your instructor uploads information into the syllabus, the course will not be visible until it is enabled. Please contact your instructor and let him or her know that you cannot access the course through Moodle. If you do not have your instructor’s contact information, a campus directory is located on the Trinity website.
You can verify that you are registered for a course by logging into Self-Service and looking at your course schedule. To access Self-Service, click on the shopping cart icon at the top right of any page of Trinity’s website.
Q: Who do I contact for assistance?
There are student and faculty user guides accessible from the menu on the left side of the Moodle website.
You can also explore the Moodle portal; it contains frequently asked questions, resources, and help desk information.
If you require additional assistance, your first point of contact should be the following for best service:
- Students requiring assistance should contact their course instructor for questions not pertaining to Moodle login.
- Faculty should contact the Moodle Help Desk for all questions not pertaining to Moodle login.
Q: How do I log into Moodle?
You can log into Moodle by using your Trinity login credentials. For more details about your login information, view the Login Information page.