Title IX Information and Sexual Assault Resources
Trinity Washington University is dedicated to promoting and fostering a safe environment for all students, staff and faculty. Trinity is a campus community that seeks to ensure that all students, faculty and staff, visitors and guests, personnel of vendors and others on campus act at all times with respect for the rights of each person, maintaining an environment free from harassment, intimidation, discrimination, sexual or other forms of assault or violence against persons in any form. Trinity’s Harassment Policy covers all forms of harassment, intimidation or assault broadly for all persons on campus. Additionally, in keeping with federal requirements for compliance with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendment of 1972 and its amendments, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender in any University program or activity, Trinity expects full compliance with this Policy Statement on Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Policy). In any case in which a student complains of sexual assault or other forms of sexual misconduct by others, this policy statement takes precedence. Trinity is committed to the prevention and eradication of all forms of sexual intimidation or coercion, which are unfavorable to a living and learning community. Trinity provides programs to educate students about sexual misconduct and how to prevent it, as well as resources for those who have been a victim of sexual misconduct.
Immediate Support
Listed below are several options, offering you suggestions on how to meet your physical safety and emotional needs, how to obtain medical attention, and options for pursuing legal action. Sexual Assault is never the survivor’s fault. It is important that the victim of sexual assault understand that no matter where they were, the time of day or night assaulted, what they were wearing, or what they said or did – if they did not want the sexual contact, then nothing else matters. What to do if you have been sexually assaulted:
- Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
- Contact someone you trust who can help you, such as a friend, family member, Trinity staff member, etc.
- To preserve evidence, it is best not to shower, bathe, douche, wash your hands, brush your teeth, comb your hair, or use a toilet if you can avoid it.
- Get medical attention as soon as possible. Even if you are not seeking evidence collection, it is important to have a medical exam to test for sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, internal and external injuries, and to answer health and wellness questions.
- Consider contacting support resources listed below in order to discuss options.
- Talking with a counselor will help you begin to process and understand what happened. A counselor can also help you cope with emotional difficulties that may arise after an assault.
Off-campus resources available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: DC Rape Crisis Center (202) 333-7273. Provides a 24/7 crisis hotline. Additionally, the DCRCC can provide an advocate who can accompany victims/survivors to a hospital, police station, or court, and help guide them through each system. DCRCC also provides counseling services for survivors. All services are provided free of charge.
The National Sexual Assault Hotline is available 24/7: Telephone: 800-656-HOPE (4673) Online chat: online.rainn.org Español: rainn.org/es
DC Victim Hotline at 1-844-4DCHELP (1-844-443-5732)
DC SANE Program at Washington Hospital 24/7 hotline for the DC SANE Call Center (800.641.4028). Located at Washington Hospital Center:110 Irving Street, NW Washington, DC 20010. Provides free medical examinations to collect/preserve evidence are conducted by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE). As part of this service, the SANE Program provides free STDs/HIV testing and prophylactic treatment for STDs/HIV and pregnancy. Additional support services are also available. The program is staffed 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week by nurses with specialized training in medical forensic evidence collection. Exams are available to victims/survivors within 96 hours of an incident. Under the Violence Against Women’s Act, victims/survivors of sexual assault treated at the SANE center are not required to speak with law enforcement and therefore law enforcement will only be involved if requested.
Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) or Local Jurisdiction Police Department 9-1-1 MPD Sexual Assault Unit (202) 727-3700. On-Campus: Contact the Department of Public Safety at (202) 884-9111 Public safety responds to immediate threats to health and safety. DPS can also provide walking escorts to all students on campus property and can assist a victim/survivor in filing a case with Student Affairs and/or Metropolitan Police.
Sexual misconduct constitutes a violation of Title IX and will not be tolerated. Students may bring complaints or concerns under this policy about any member of our community, whether student, staff, faculty or third parties. Moreover, students who have been victims of sexual misconduct that occurred outside of school, and who feel the incident is affecting their Trinity experience, may also seek out the resources outlined in this policy.
Students who wish to make Title IX complaints should report them to:
- Ms. Hannah Halbreich, Title IX Coordinator; Main Hall Room 461; 202-884-9602; HalbreichH@trinitydc.edu
Alternative contacts:
- Dr. Karen Gerlach Vice President for Student Affairs; Main Hall 228; 202-884-9203; gerlachk@trinitydc.edu
- Ms. Andrea Glascoe, Chief Department of Public Safety; Main Hall Basement; 202-884-9111; GlascoeA@trinitydc.edu
- Ms. Michele Bowie Dean of Student Services; Main 223; 202-884-9611; bowiem@trinitydc.edu.
Other campus personnel who learn of sexual assaults or sexual misconduct may have reporting obligations, e.g., personnel in housing, student affairs and academic affairs. Trinity conducts routine staff training to ensure full compliance with Title IX.
Process for Investigations and Case Management
Trinity will investigate all reports of sexual misconduct promptly. Complainants (the person making the complaint) who request anonymity or confidentiality should be aware that Trinity may not be able to honor that request in all cases. Trinity is required by Title IX and its own policies to maintain the safety and security of the campus community, and in some instances Trinity may have to go forward over the objection of the complainant if the facts warrant. In every case, the privacy of the complainant will be preserved to the maximum extent possible. For detailed information view the Trinity’s Policy Statement on Sexual Misconduct (Title IX)
Title IX and Pregnancy
What does Title IX say about pregnant students on campus?
Title IX is a Federal civil rights law that bans discrimination on the basis of sex, to include pregnancy, in educational programs and activities. As a result, faculty and staff members must allow students to continue participating in classes and/or extracurricular activities. Additionally, after a student discloses needs based on pregnancy faculty and staff should also work to provide students with reasonable adjustments, as necessary. Please note, for optimal adjustments, students should disclose needs based on pregnancy to faculty and staff as soon as possible.
What type of academic adjustments should I expect?
All academic or activity adjustments should be discussed with the appropriate faculty or staff member and the University’s Title IX Coordinator, before implementation; however, a few examples of acceptable adjustments include:
- Excused absences due to pregnancy or childbirth. To the extent possible, students should provide prior notice of absence due to pregnancy or childbirth.
- Providing the opportunity to make up any work missed while the student was out. Students are expected to discuss these adjustments prior to assignment deadlines.
Please note:
- Students are still expected to honor the Trinity Honor Code and should complete classes with high levels of academic integrity.
- Students may not refuse to submit assignments and should work with faculty members to submit assignments based on the adjustments provided.
When should I disclose a pregnancy?
In order to receive the best support possible, students should disclose needs based on pregnancy to faculty or staff members as soon as possible. Upon disclosing this information, the faculty or staff member will work out an appropriate adjustment procedure, with direction from Trinity’s Title IX Coordinator. In many cases, the student may be asked for appropriate documentation in order to put a suitable adjustment in place. Students also have the choice of reaching out to Trinity’s Title IX Coordinator, Ms. Hannah Halbreich, Main Hall 461; 202-884-9602; HalbreichH@trinitydc.edu
For more information, please visit Trinity Title IX and Pregnancy Guide or the U.S. Department of Education’s website regarding Title IX and Pregnancy
Educational Programs
Trinity is committed to the prevention and eradication of all forms of sexual intimidation or coercion, which are unfavorable to a living and learning community. Trinity provides programs to educate students about sexual misconduct and how to prevent it, as well as resources for those who have been a victim of sexual misconduct. Check out the Student Affairs event calendar for events and programs.
Uask DC
Get immediate access to the information needed most in the event of a sexual assault on one of DC’s college campuses — quickly, confidentially and free. Put your safety first. Download the UASK app for real-time personal security. This invaluable tool includes a panic button that immediately calls local emergency personnel, the ability to alert friends and share your GPS location with selected contacts, and local resources in the event you have experienced sexual violence.
Click the link or search ASK and UASK apps are free and available on the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store.