Fast FAQ: Submitting Enrollment Verification
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 3.2 process of submitting Enrollment Verification! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Submitting Enrollment Verification Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is...
How do I submit Enrollment Verification?
“Enrollment Verification” is a report required for financial aid from the Federal government. This report allows Trinity to be able to verify students’ attendance and, subsequently, disburse the appropriate financial aid to the students. As you know from working with your deans and from other University communications, submitting “Enrollment Verification” is mandatory. This process, which...
What do the ‘Review options’ on the ‘Quiz Settings’ page mean?
In the section of the “Quiz Settings” screen called “Review options,” you can control which information students can during one of four time periods Moodle recognizes. “During the attempt” is while the students are taking the quiz attempt. “Immediately after the attempt” means within two minutes of the attempt being finished (when the student hits...
Fast FAQ: Uploading Your Syllabus
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the process of adding file resources to your course! Your syllabus is simply a file resource with the word ‘syllabus’ in the name. Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Uploading Your Syllabus as a File Resource Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC...
Where are the previous courses I’ve taken in Moodle?
While you can find a full list of your previous courses in Self-Service, all Moodle course spaces, aside from professional development courses offered through the Office of Continuing Education, are archived approximately one week into the next semester/term. At that time, the archived courses in which you are a student will no longer appears in...
How do I remove an override in my gradebook?
Moodle allows you to manually override an individual grade item, a grade category total, or even your course’s total. Once an item has been overridden, the content is static, as in the number will not change. So if you override a category or course total, any changes, additions, or subtractions will no longer be reflected...
How do I add a weblink (URL) to my course page?
Often, you may find a resource on the internet to which you wish to link your students. URLs or Uniform Resource Locators are the website addresses that you provide to your students like or To add the URL to your course: Login to Moodle and, in the “My Courses” block/list, the click on...
How do I add a ‘Welcome’ message to my course?
The top section of your Moodle page allows the perfect space to add a short ‘Welcome’ message to your students. Not too long, though, as they will have to scroll past it to the rest of the page each time they visit your course. To add a ‘Welcome’ message to the top of your Moodle...
Why aren’t my category totals displaying on the Grader Report?
The ‘Grader Report’ is the spreadsheet-like view of the gradebook with all the students listed down the left side of the screen, and all the graded activities listed across the top. There are actually three possible views that you can choose for the ‘Grader Report’ in the gradebook in Moodle. ‘Full view’ – everything in...