What is the ‘Announcements’ forum?
Every course space in Moodle comes with a forum that is set-up already for class announcements. This is the forum activity located in the top section of the course called ‘Announcements.’ Everyone enrolled in the course, both instructors and students, are automatically subscribed to this forum. When anyone posts to this forum, the entire class...
How do I enter a zero for a student who didn’t take a quiz activity?
If a student does not take an online quiz activity that you have created, you will want to enter the ‘zero’ that the student earned directly into the gradebook. To manually enter a grade for a student for a quiz activity, please follow the steps below. This is also how you would enter a grade...
Why can’t my students see their quiz grades?
In the Quiz activity, the instructor controls when the students can see each bit of information such as whether they got a specific question correct, what the correct answer is, and how many points they earned for the quiz (i.e., their grade on the quiz). If your students cannot see their quiz grades, it is...
How do I create groups of students in my course?
You can place students in groups in the course and then enable the group options for various activities. Creating Groups Manually Login to Moodle and enter the course in which you wish to set-up the groups. From the main page of your course, in the left column (the one with the purple background), click on...
How do I track the completion of activities and resources in my course?
Moodle allows you to track the completion of the activities and resources you have created in Moodle. To do this, you would: Turn on ‘Completion tracking’ Login to your course in Moodle. In the upper right corner of your course, click on the gray “edit” gear wheel. From the drop-down menu that appears, click on...
How do I make an item extra credit in the gradebook?
As an instructor, you can indicate to Moodle that certain graded items are extra credit. However, extra credit items are only possible in a points-based aggregation system. The aggregation for the whole course or the category in which you are adding extra credit must be either ‘Natural’ or ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ Note: You CANNOT have...
How do I weight items in my gradebook?
To assign different weights to various items, assignments or grade categories in Moodle, your course’s gradebook aggregation must be set to ‘Weighted Mean of Grades.’ By default, the Moodle gradebook aggregation (the way it adds your grade values) is ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ This is points-based, and does not allow you to weight categories or...
Why is my gradebook only showing my course total or only the category total for one or more categories?
The ‘Grader Report’ is the spreadsheet-like view with all the students listed down the left side of the screen, and all the graded activities listed across the top. There are actually three possible views that you can choose for the ‘Grader Report’ in the gradebook in Moodle. ‘Full view’ – everything in the gradebook is...
Fast FAQ: Grading Online Discussion Forums
[Faculty Fast FAQ] If you would like to grade an online discussion forum from within the activity, you will need to enable ‘Ratings.’ The video below contains information about the various aggregations possible for the rating of forum activities. To learn more about creating an activity, please view the Fast FAQ video: Creating Online Discussion...
How do I grade a student’s submission to an assignment activity?
As an instructor, you can create an online space where students can submit their homework assignments called an Assignment Activity. Through an Assignment Activity, a student can submit to you: Text typed directly into the browser File(s), 64MB or smaller You can then provide them a grade (if you would like to grade the assignment),...