How do I change my gradebook aggregation?
By default, the Moodle gradebook aggregation (the way it adds your grade values) is ‘Simple Weighted Mean of Grades.’ If you wish to use another aggregation in your gradebook, follow the steps below to change the aggregation. For more information on choosing the right aggregation for your gradebook, check out this Fast FAQ video, “Understanding...
Fast FAQ: Understanding Your Gradebook Aggregation Options
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a video on the various gradebook aggregation, and choosing the right one for your gradebook! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Understanding Your Gradebook Aggregation Options Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of...
Fast FAQ: Setting Up Your Gradebook
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a video demonstrating the process of setting up your gradebook! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Setting Up Your Gradebook Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is...
Fast FAQ: Changing Your Gradebook Aggregation
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on how to change the aggregation of your gradebook! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Changing Your Gradebook Aggregation Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the...
Fast FAQ: Creating an Assignment Activity
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the process of creating a space for students to upload their homework files online so you (and only you) can download & grade them. This space is called an Assignment Activity. Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Creating an Assignment Activity Same Topic with Screenshots...
How do I create a place in Moodle to accept homework assignments (i.e., an Assignment Activity)?
Students can turn in files to you through Moodle. You can then provide a grade, comments, and even upload a corrected file for them. An Assignment Activity is the best choice to accept files online. To set up an Assignment Activity, follow these steps below. Login to Moodle and click on the course to which you...
Fast FAQ: Adding File Resources
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the process of adding file resources to your course! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Adding Files Resources Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the...
How do I add random questions to a quiz?
If you have questions in your course’s question bank, you can have Moodle randomly select questions to add to your quiz. This is best if you have your questions sorted by categories to allow Moodle to only select from the pool you set up. Once you have created a quiz and determined all of the...
How do I import all of the activities and resources from a previous course into this new semester’s course?
You can import all of the activities and resources from a previous course into your new blank course. If you have not made any changes to the new course shell, and you use the ‘Jump to final step’ option as shown below, your gradebook set-up, including manual gradebook items, should also transfer. Please note: for all...
How do I view the current completion rate for my course evaluations during the open evaluations period?
As a faculty member at Trinity, you can view the details from your completed course evaluations for any of your courses approximately one week after the last grade due date for the last academic session (e.g., DAY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, SEM, etc.) in the that academic term (e.g., FALL, SPRING, MAY, etc.). While the submission window for course...