How do I add a block in my course?
There are still a number of blocks available for you to add to your Moodle course. One of the most useful blocks is a custom HTML block into which you can put your own content. To add a custom HTML block, follow these steps below! Login to Moodle. Click on the course to which you...
How do I add text to the weekly sections of my course?
Each week or topic, including the top or “general” area, has a summary. This is where information like your topic title or weekly goals could go. By default, the weekly topics display the date range for that week. To add text to a weekly or topic section summary, follow the steps below. Login to Moodle....
Fast FAQ: Importing Content into Your Course
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 2.9 process of adding URL resources to your course! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Importing Content into Your Course Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of...
What am I required to do in Moodle, as a Faculty member?
To best support our students, Moodle is the official Learning Management System for the University. In Moodle, all faculty are required to: Post your syllabus as a file resource on the main page of your course with the word ‘Syllabus’ in the name. If you have posted it elsewhere, such as in a forum discussion thread...
Fast FAQ: Making Your Course Available to Students
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 3.2 process of making your course available to students! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Making Your Course Available to Students Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of...
Fast FAQ: Submitting Enrollment Verification
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the Moodle 3.2 process of submitting Enrollment Verification! Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Submitting Enrollment Verification Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC Available on Video <– Click on this icon in the bottom right corner of the player when the video is...
How do I submit Enrollment Verification?
“Enrollment Verification” is a report required for financial aid from the Federal government. This report allows Trinity to be able to verify students’ attendance and, subsequently, disburse the appropriate financial aid to the students. As you know from working with your deans and from other University communications, submitting “Enrollment Verification” is mandatory. This process, which...
Fast FAQ: Uploading Your Syllabus
[Faculty Fast FAQ] Here is a quick video on the process of adding file resources to your course! Your syllabus is simply a file resource with the word ‘syllabus’ in the name. Fast FAQ Video Transcript (Microsoft Word format): Uploading Your Syllabus as a File Resource Same Topic with Screenshots and Written Text English CC...
Where are the previous courses I’ve taken in Moodle?
While you can find a full list of your previous courses in Self-Service, all Moodle course spaces, aside from professional development courses offered through the Office of Continuing Education, are archived approximately one week into the next semester/term. At that time, the archived courses in which you are a student will no longer appears in...
How do I add a ‘Welcome’ message to my course?
The top section of your Moodle page allows the perfect space to add a short ‘Welcome’ message to your students. Not too long, though, as they will have to scroll past it to the rest of the page each time they visit your course. To add a ‘Welcome’ message to the top of your Moodle...