How do I track changes in my students’ documents in Moodle?
Unfortunately, there is no way to do shared document editing in the current installation of Moodle. You would need to download the students’ documents to your own computer. Make and track the changes. Save the file on your computer with a name that will help you locate it again (e.g., Paper2_FEEDBACK_StudentLastName-StudentFirstName.docx, StudentLastName-Paper2_FEEDBACK, etc.). Then go...
How do I upload a feedback file in an assignment activity?
Right now, there is no way in our current installation of Moodle to edit Word documents through Moodle. You will need to download them to your own computer, make the changes, and then upload them as a feedback file for your students through the assignment activity. The first thing to do is verify that your...
How do I regrade a quiz activity?
Occasionally, you will find that one of the questions on a quiz activity is incorrect or invalid. You have a number of options available to you to address this and regrade a quiz activity. You can adjust the problematic question, and run a regrade for all (or selected) quiz attempts. You can review the responses...
How do I edit an existing attendance activity?
This FAQ will walk you through changing the name of the existing attendance activity and updating the settings for the existing attendance activity so that the system grades it for you. Changing the Default Attendance Activity Name From the main page of your course, click on the gray ‘Edit’ gear wheel in the upper right...
How do I make the existing attendance activity graded?
This FAQ will walk you through updating the settings for the existing attendance activity so that the system grades it for you. By default, the attendance activity is not set to be graded. To change the attendance activity settings such that it calculates a grade, you can follow the steps below. Moodle grades the attendance...
How do I add class sessions to an existing attendance activity?
The university requires that you complete daily class attendance through the Moodle Attendance activity. The system will pre-populate the Moodle attendance activity shell, but you, as the faculty member, will need to indicate when your course meets. You would do this once at the beginning of the academic term, by adding a repeating class session....
Fast FAQ: Adding Class Sessions to Your Attendance Activity
[Faculty Fast FAQ] The university requires that you complete daily class attendance through the Moodle Attendance activity. The system will pre-populate the Moodle attendance activity shell, but you, as the faculty member, will need to indicate when your course meets. You would do this once at the beginning of the academic term, by adding a...
Is there a mobile app for Moodle?
Moodle is an open source Learning Management System (LMS)., who develops this open source platform, offers a mobile app. It is not Trinity-specific, but it will work with our installation. Students, please note: there are some activities that can only be completed on a computer, including some types of quiz questions and viewing blocks. ...
How do I edit the dates for multiple assignments at one time?
In Moodle 3.2, Trinity has access to the report titled, “Dates,” which allows instructors to edit the dates for multiple activities on one page. This is extremely helpful when you import a previous term’s course and need to update all of the activity use dates. To access and use this report, follow the steps below....
What is the ‘Announcements’ forum?
Every course space in Moodle comes with a forum that is set-up already for class announcements. This is the forum activity located in the top section of the course called ‘Announcements.’ Everyone enrolled in the course, both instructors and students, are automatically subscribed to this forum. When anyone posts to this forum, the entire class...