DSS Testing Accommodations
DSS works with students who have testing accommodations to ensure that they are provided their accommodations for class assessment.
Any student with current DSS-provided accommodations who wishes to take a test with DSS should submit a test request at least five (5) business days prior to the scheduled test date (when the test is being given in class); test requests for final exams should be submitted according to listed parameters. DSS cannot guarantee availability for late requests.
DSS Test Request Process:
- Students will complete DSS Test Request Form (below).
- Once DSS receives the student test request, DSS will email the professor to obtain necessary test information.
- Once student and faculty information is received, DSS will contact the student via email to schedule a time for the exam.
- If a student is unable to attend a scheduled exam period with DSS, please notify DSS immediately. Students are reminded of professors’ deadlines for taking exams.
- After the student has completed the exam, DSS will scan and email the completed exam back to the professor.
- Please email DSS@trinitydc.edu if you have any questions!
- DSS cannot change the parameters of any test or exam, but can work with the student and professor if there are extenuating circumstances.
- While preferred testing times will be reviewed, scheduling is based around your class schedule and DSS availability. DSS cannot account for personal impacts (including work, appointments, etc.) and would encourage you to adjust your plans to prioritize testing according to available DSS testing times and/or professor parameters for exam.
- NOTE: DSS must schedule your exam in close proximity to the original exam date unless otherwise noted or approved by your professor; this will typically mean testing the same day or within 1 day of the exam being given in class (same week).
Electronics Policy
Students may not use or access cell phones, wearable technology (including smart watches), or any other electronic devices during the testing period, unless there is explicit approval from the professor to access or use such technology during exam or unless the device is part of medical monitoring, per a student’s current DSS Accommodations.
- DSS will ask each student to show that their phone, wearable technology, etc. has been stored and is not on the student’s person/at the student’s testing space.
- DSS provides foam earbuds in case a student may wish to use them during exam.
- Other types of listening devices, including wired/wireless headphones, speakers, etc. are not permitted unless specifically a part of a student’s DSS accommodations.
If a student is found to have inappropriately worn, used, and/or accessed such an item during their testing period in DSS, the situation will be reported to the professor for review of academic honesty/conduct violation and related next steps.
Late Arrivals
- Please be aware that your testing time begins at the confirmed time your exam is scheduled in DSS. If you arrive late to your scheduled exam in DSS (up to 30 minutes late), you will have the remaining allotted testing time, based on the originally scheduled and confirmed test time.
- If you are more than 30 minutes late for an exam, the testing time will be cancelled, and you will need to contact your professor to discuss next steps, including requesting approval to makeup the exam; working with DSS and/or make-up testing; etc.
Because DSS contains a shared exam testing space, students should be mindful of themselves and others when entering the shared space with regard to illness.
Anyone who is experiencing symptoms including coughing, sneezing, runny nose, fever, etc., should not test in DSS and should seek medical attention.
If you are unable to attend an exam due to illness, you must let DSS know as soon as possible so that your professor can be alerted and next steps determined. Documentation may be required depending on the severity and duration of the illness.
- If you are unable take your exam as scheduled time in DSS due to emergency, you must contact both your professor and DSS to discuss the situation related to rescheduling options.
No Show and Cancellation
- If, for any reason, you have decided not to take your exam as scheduled in DSS, you are responsible for notifying DSS prior to your scheduled testing time.
- If you do not notify DSS and do not show for your scheduled exam, the matter will be referred to your professor. You will then need to arrange make-up testing with Academic Services.
DIRECTIONS: Complete the following form to request to take your class exam with DSS.
Please submit your request at least five (5) business days before the originally scheduled exam.
*DSS cannot guarantee availability for any last minute requests; DSS does not provide testing on a walk-in basis.
Please submit your DSS Test Request using the following link: