DSS Faculty Test Form

Faculty members should complete the form below to provide exam information for any student(s) with testing accommodations who plan to test with DSS.

Click here to submit your DSS Faculty Test Form. 


As a reminder, please review the steps of the DSS Test Request Process:

  • Students will complete DSS Test Request (Student Form).
  • Once DSS receives the student test request, DSS will email the professor with a link to the DSS Test Request Faculty Form for them to complete.
  • Once student and faculty information is received, DSS will contact the student via email to schedule a time for the exam.
  • Should a student or professor decide to cancel and/or reschedule an exam, please notify DSS immediately.
  • After the student has completed the exam, DSS will scan and email the completed exam back to the professor.
    • If professor prefers to pick up the student’s completed hard copy of the exam, please indicate on the form so DSS can coordinate.
    • Please note that DSS will SHRED all hard copy student exam materials at the end of each semester unless the professor has requested otherwise in advance.

Please note: DSS is responsible for facilitating accommodation implementation at Trinity, including accommodated testing. It is imperative that faculty respond to DSS Test Request emails and complete requested items in a timely manner. If there is a consistent lack of response or late response, DSS will escalate matters to the Dean, Department Chair, and/or Provost for assistance.

Please email DSS@trinitydc.edu if you have any questions!