Accommodations Guide

Accommodations and other support services for students with disabilities exist to provide students equal access to courses, programss and activities by way of reasonable academic accommodations. The intention behind determining and implementing accommodations should always be to “level the playing field,” not to provide an advantage for some students over others. (See “Disability and Higher Education FAQs” for more information on this concept.)

Some support services are provided by Disability Support Services (DSS), and others are the responsibility of students and instructors. In general, DSS provides auxiliary aides like access to notetaking, text-to-speech software (Kurzweil), and sign language interpreters while students and their instructors arrange classroom accommodations, like extended time on assignments.

Students must complete the DSS Accommodations registration process and followed associated procedures, such as renewing their accommodation letter each semester, in order to receive accommodations. Students must discuss their DSS Letter and listed accommodations each semester with each instructor from whom they would like to receive classroom accommodations that semester. Any changes to the accommodations in the letter must be made in agreement with the student, instructor, and DSS.

It is important to maintain a collaborative relationship between students, instructors, and DSS when implementing support services and accommodations so that the student’s accessibility needs can be met within the parameters of the technical academic standards and disability statutes. Below are the written policies for specific services and accommodations. They discussed in general ways so that they can apply in most academic settings. Students and their instructors should use this as a guide to plan how accommodations will be met each semester:

Exams – Extra Time

Allowed extra time beyond the amount of designated time for completion of any and all timed exams and assessments (tests, quizzes, & graded timed assignments).

  • For a time and a half (1.5x) accommodation, this means that if the instructor gives the class 20 minutes to complete a quiz, students with this accommodation can take up to 30 minutes to complete that same quiz.
  • For students with a double time (2x) accommodation, the student would have 40 minutes to complete a quiz regularly scheduled for 20 minutes. 

Both student and instructor should make efforts to plan extended exam time at least 5 business days in advance, but it is ultimately a student’s responsibility to ensure that the instructor is aware that they will need extra time well before the next scheduled exam. Some common arrangements made by students and instructors are to have the student come to class earlier, stay later, or meet with the instructor another time to take the exam.

Sometimes instructors may be unable to provide this accommodation to students due to time and space constraints. In these cases, students may take their exam in DSS, instead of with the instructor. Students who are approved for this accommodation, as well as the separate testing space accommodation, may need to take their exams with DSS regularly in order to ensure that all testing conditions are being met. Students should enter their test request here. Faculty must enter associated information for the student test here.

Exams that require interaction with the instructor (i.e., foreign language listening exercises) or high-monitoring of the examinees should be administered by the instructor. All students are expected to follow the Trinity Honor System and maintain academic integrity regardless of their location or exam proctor.

For Nursing students: This accommodation can also be provided when you take the TEAS and NCLEX on campus. Please contact DSS if your instructor or exam proctor needs confirmation of approval or assistance with setting up this accommodation in the testing menu.

For Education students: For those students who need to take the Praxis, please contact ETS in which to complete all paperwork. Usually ETS will request that a student submit proof of accommodations from the university they attend; in these cases, the student must send this request to DSS so that documentation of accommodation at Trinity can be provided. This can a lengthy process; therefore, students must plan accordingly to  ensure that they have enough time to submit all paperwork prior to taking their exam.

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Exams – Separate Space

A separate space for taking any and all timed in-class exams and assessments (tests, quizzes, & graded assignments). Hallways and busy offices would not be appropriate alternate locations, but an unoccupied classroom or office might suffice.

Both student and instructor should make efforts to plan separate space accommodations at least 5 business days in advance, but it is ultimately the students’ responsibility to ensure that the instructor is aware that they will need a separate space well before the next scheduled exam.

  • Taking the exam before the class arrives or planning to stay in class later to receive this accommodation must be well-planned to ensure that the entire testing time will be undisturbed by incoming and outgoing traffic.

Students with this accommodation may opt to regularly take ALL of their exams with DSS to ensure appropriate examination conditions. It is also understood that some instructors are unable to provide this accommodation to students due to time and space constraints. In these cases,  students may take their exam in DSS, instead of with the instructor. Students should enter their test request here. Faculty must enter associated information for the student test here.

Exams that require interaction with the instructor (i.e., foreign language listening exercises) or high-monitoring of the examinees should be administered by the instructor. All students are expected to follow the Trinity Honor System and maintain academic integrity regardless of their location or exam proctor.

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DSS provides these students with access to Kurzweil 3000, a web-based reading and writing software, on their home PCs and/or designated library computers while attending Trinity. Students with this software can listen to their textbooks in audio format and use various other features for writing assignments.

Students are provided access to a copy of the software, user training, and a log-in ID that allows them to use the program at home and on campus. Students who are approved to use this software must sign a user agreement and submit their textbooks and other course materials to DSS so that access can be provided. Students must purchase the copy of the textbooks that are submitted to DSS and provide proof of purchase to DSS. Installation assistance and technical troubleshooting for Kurzweil is available from DSS staff upon request.

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DSS can train these students on usage Speech-to-Text options. Students with either program can train it to recognize their speech, allowing them to self-dictate all written work.

Though Trinity does not provide students with a copy of the speech-to-text software, it is available on campus for approved students students to places where they can purchase the Windows Vista/7 upgrade (Speech Recognition program is automatically built-in). There are also some other options that may be helpful in this situation.

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Recordings & Class Notes

There are several methods that students can use to capture course material in the classroom: instructor notes, recordings (for personal review), and recordings (for notetaking service use (Habitat Learn Messenger Pigeon)). Students may be accommodated through one or a combination of these methods to increase their modes of access to course material.

1. Access copies of the instructors’ posted materials (i.e., PowerPoint, handouts, visual aides), most often via Moodle, or professors can email these to students. Instructors may also have additional notes and materials that they are willing to provide the student to supplement the posted materials.

2. Students may use their own recording device to record class lectures, such as phone, tablet, laptop, personal recorder, etc.

3. Depending on the modality and/or nature of the course and related content, audiovisual recording may be needed. This should be discussed among the professor and student, as well as DSS if questions arise. Please see the DSS Class Recording Agreement for further specific information about accommodation recording parameters.


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Sign Language Interpreting

Sign-language interpreters facilitate communication between people who are deaf or hard of hearing and people who can hear. Sign-language interpreters are fluent in English and in American Sign Language (ASL), which combines signing, finger spelling, and specific body language. DSS schedules sign language interpreters for all University activities of students, personnel, and visitors who have identified themselves as needing this service.

Visitors and personnel requiring sign language interpreting services should notify Human Resources to submit a request for this service.

Students requiring only sign language interpreters must still complete the DSS acommodations process; students should also complete the Sign Language Interpreter Request (linked below) if additional needs arise after they register with DSS.

In order to provide appropriate and professional interpreting services, the following guidelines have been established for students:

  • For a class or extended event: Students should request interpreters four (4) weeks in advance of first day of the class or event.
  • For one-day: Students should request interpreters two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting or event.

Every effort will be made to fill late requests.

Once a student has completed the DSS accommodations process, (a) qualified sign language interpreter(s) will be hired and scheduled for your class or event. Please contact DSS immediately if an interpreter that Trinity scheduled is not providing you with adequate services so that a replacement can be assigned as soon as possible.


Sign Language Interpreter Request (Web)

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Extension on Graded Assignments (Take-Home Work)

Please review the following page for specific guidance if you are assigned this accommodation:

All students are expected to review their syllabi at the start of the semester and plan for timely completion of all assignments and exams that are to be done outside of the classroom. However, in some cases, students may be granted an extension option accommodation. 

Students with extension option accommodations are assigned a specific extension time for take-home work that they may use at times when symptoms are exacerbated and/or they otherwise cannot meet a deadline related to a disability matter.

Students must communicate with professors when situations occur that result in a need to use their extension option; students must communicate with professors about this prior to the assignment deadline, unless there is a disability-related emergency that prevents contact. Please contact DSS with any questions.

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Attendance Flexibility

Please review the following page for specific guidance if you are assigned this accommodation:

All students are expected to attend classes and adhere to their instructors’ attendance policies. If students have a disability that they believe will require them to miss more classes than is allowed, they must discuss the matter with that instructor and advisor as soon as they become aware of the issue. 

Students who have an attendance flexibility accommodation are responsible for staying in communication with faculty members, in order to ensure clear understanding of missing class due to disability and accommodation-related matters. Please contact DSS with any questions.

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Adaptive/Assistive Technology (AT)

Some students require the use of adaptive (also called assistive) technology (AT) to increase their access to class material and/or ability to communicate on campus. AT can be in the form of an external device/hardware or a software program, and it can also be categorized as low-tech or hi-tech, depending on its complexity. Examples of AT broadly include items like wheelchairs, audio recorders, word processors, ergonomic keyboards, vibrating alarms, and/or other items.

Students may use their own AT or borrow available equipment from DSS for the semester for use in the classroom and/or their dorm room. In the classroom, students cannot use AT that is disruptive to other students (i.e., “talking” dictionaries) and should mute volumes unless the purpose of the device is to communicate with the class. The DSS Accommodation Letter will indicate if the student will be using classroom-specific AT so that the instructor is aware. For example, the letter might list a specific type of desk or chair that a student would use in class, but it would not list a motorized power chair. Instructors are not responsible for providing AT listed on the letter. Depending on the AT needed, Trinity may assist the student in locating items externally that can be used in classes or may obtain a Trinity-owed AT item that may be loaned out to the student during a semester period. For specific questions, please contact DSS.

Available AT for Semester Loan

  • Text-to-Speech software (Kurzweil 3000)
  • Audio Recorders
  • Four-Function Calculators
    Note on calculators: Some students may be approved to use a four-function calculator in class and during exams to speed up their basic calculation processes and reduce minor errors. A four-function calculator can add, subtract, divide, or multiply and is an accommodation that students can request on national standardized tests. Since these calculators are unable to perform the processes being taught in a typical college-level math course, it is not considered to be an extra advantage for the student. Use of a scientific or graphing calculator when they are not permitted by the instructor is not an acceptable testing accommodation.

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