How do I grade a student’s submission to an assignment activity?
As an instructor, you can create an online space where students can submit their homework assignments called an Assignment Activity. Through an Assignment Activity, a student can submit to you:
- Text typed directly into the browser
- File(s), 64MB or smaller
You can then provide them a grade (if you would like to grade the assignment), written feedback, and/or a feedback file, such as a student’s paper with your tracked changes or notes.
To learn more about creating assignment activities, explore:
- How do I create a place in Moodle to accept homework assignments (i.e., an Assignment Activity)?
- Fast FAQ Video: Creating an Assignment Activity
Follow the steps below to grade a student’s submission to an assignment activity that you have already created.
- Login to Moodle and, in your “My Courses” block, click on the course which contains the assignment activity that you wish to grade.
- In your course, locate the assignment activity. Click on the name of the assignment activity.
- From within the activity, look at the bottom of the first page in the center for the phrase, “View all submissions.” Click this link. (You can also jump to the grading page by clicking the “Grade” button.)
- On the next screen, you will see all of the students listed next to their assignment submission information. You can choose a “Grading action” from the drop-down in the upper left, including downloading all of the submissions.
- If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can also filter your results. For instance, you can display only the students who have actually submitted to this assignment.
- If you have asked the students to submit a file, you can find their submissions in the column labelled, “File submissions.” If you have asked them to type into the browser, their submissions should be listed in the “Online text” column.
- To enter a grade and feedback for a student’s assignment, click on the purple “Grade”button in the”Grade” column. (This is also where the “Grade” button on the main page of the assignment activity takes you.)
- When you have reached the grading screen, you first see the information about the assignment. You can also view the assignment submissions from this page as well.
NOTE: If there is “Online text” content, you can expand the text to view it all by clicking the plus sign to expand the submission: - In the “Grade” section, enter a numerical grade. (Note: If you have set-up the assignment to grade the assignment through either a “Marking guide,” “Grading guide,” or “Rubric,” instead of “Simple direct grading,” there will not be a grade box. You will need to change the assignment activity setting for “Grading method” to “Simple direct grading.”)
- Next you can enter your comments and/or files, depending on what you’ve enabled in the Assignment activity setting.
Again, if you don’t see the “Feedback files” option, check the settings for the assignment and make sure “Feedback files” is checked: - You can choose to notify the student that their assignment has been graded, or you can uncheck the box, and just click the “Save changes” button.
- Once you save your changes, you will receive a confirmation message.
- You can move to the next student or jump to another student using the navigation options in the upper right corner of the grading page.
You can also head back to the main page of the course by clicking on the name of the course in the upper left corner, or you can head back to the main page for the assignment activity by clicking on the name of the assignment activity in the upper left corner: