Trinity Teach-in on Gun Violence: Friday, March 23, 2018: Enough
In preparation for the March For Our Lives on Saturday, March 24
On Saturday, March 24, 2018, hundreds of thousands of students and supporters of an end to gun violence will come to Washington for the March For Our Lives, an action intended to focus political and moral attention on the urgent need to enact sensible laws that will help to reduce, if not end, the grotesque amount of gun violence in the United States. Millions more will have parallel demonstrations all over the country.
On Friday, March 23, in anticipation of the March For Our Lives, Trinity will conduct a day-long Teach-In with panels, discussions and displays on gun violence. We invite the Trinity community and friends to participate in as much as possible, to contribute to the discussions, and to share your thoughts about actions.
The program will include:
Student Panel Discussion: Nursing Perspectives on Violence | 10:30am-11:45am in Payden Academic Center 103
This panel will focus on the American Nursing Association Declaration: Call to End Violence and nursing perspectives on the impact of violence.
- Moderators: Dr. Mary Bantell, RN and Dr. Denyse Barkley, RN (School of Nursing and Health Professions)
- Panelists: Glenda Arzadon, RN; Juliet Ibebuchi, RN; Amaka Iwugo Uwada, RN; Joshua Lunt, RNC; Lynda Obi, RN; Adelita Rosenberg, RNC
Panel Discussion: Preventing Gun Violence – Policy Analysis and Citizen Activism | 12pm-1:15pm in Payden Academic Center 103
12pm-1:15pm in Payden Academic Center, Room 103. This panel will provide historical context to the issue of gun violence, discuss the importance of youth activism, and consider interfaith perspectives on preventing gun violence.
- Moderator: Vernon Scott, JD (Chair, Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences)
- Panelists: Rev. Jeania Ree Moore, Director of Civil and Human Rights, United Methodist Church; Katie Breslin ’13, Young Adult Program Manager, Friends Committee on National Legislation; Sr. Mary Johnson, SND, Religious Studies; Adjunct Prof. Allen Pietrobon, History
“Three Billboards” for Social Justice | 1:30pm-3:45pm in Payden Academic Center Lobby
Interactive workshop for participants to reflect about the current social justice issues, and to identify and give voice to the issues they want to advocate for. Using the Expressive Arts, participants will: Examine their own feeling and emotions about the issues of marginalization, violence and discrimination; develop strategies to relieve stress and anxiety, and strategies for self-care; express their opinions and desire for change through creative protest and advocacy.
- Moderators: Dr. Cynthia Greer, and Dr. Lu Oprea, School of Education Faculty, and members of the Research team on Trauma.
Panel Discussion: Violence, Guns and the Media | 4pm-6pm in Payden Academic Center 103
Moderated panel discussion followed by Q&A
- Moderator: Angela Harris, MBA (Director of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Professional Studies)
- Panelists: Thomas Mostowy, JD, Asst. Dean and Chair of Criminal Justice; Dr. Daryl Thorne, Chair of Human Relations and Psychology (both School of Professional Studies), Dr. Jamey Piland, Chair and Associate Prof. of Communication; Dr. Raul Tovares, Assoc. Prof. of Communication (both College of Arts and Sciences)
Panel: K-12 Educator Perspectives on Gun Violence in Schools | 6:15pm-7:30pm in Payden Academic Center 103
This panel consists of local K-12 educators and administrators. They will discuss their perspectives on gun violence in schools. A Q&A session will follow.
- Moderator: Katie Omenitsch, MBA, Director of Continuing Education
- Panelists: Ms. Lichele Y. Carmichael, School-Based Technology Specialist and School Testing Coordinator, Lorton Station ES; Mrs. Charlena Carney, Social Studies Teacher grades 9-11, Parkdale High School; Ms. Rashieda Gantt, English Teacher, Dr. Henry A. Wise, Jr. High School; Mr. Derrick Terry, Special Education Teacher, Military Veteran; Ms. Davia Walker, Principal, Neval Thomas Elementary School; Dr. Lynnette Walker, Principal, Bradbury Heights Elementary School
Information Tables and Exhibits
Coping with Violence and Trauma Information Table |10am- 1pm in Payden Academic Center Lobby
Information and handouts on coping and self-care in the aftermath of trauma; physical, behavioral & psychological reactions to trauma, violence, loss; how to talk to children about violence, loss.
- Presenter: Annie Cosimano, Health and Wellness Center
“Readings, Research and Resources – Books about Gun Violence and Prevention” | All Day in Helen Sheehan Library and Payden Academic Center Lobby
Explore books on gun-violence and prevention related topics on display at the Helen Sheehan Library and Payden Academic Center Lobby.
March For Our Lives, March 24, 2018: March in D.C. – Map, Transportation, Register
Find a March for Our Lives in your community – there are more than 730 across the U.S. and around the world
President McGuire’s Blog Posts:
No More “Thoughts and Prayers”
Trinity Welcomes Courageous High School Students Who Stand Up for Justice
No Silencing the Lambs. “At Parkland on Sunday afternoon, I saw a brief, raw glimpse into the unimaginable sorrow.”