Dr. Diane Reese Publishes Manuscript in Frontiers in Education Journal
Dr. Diane Reese, Assistant Professor of Counseling at Trinity Washington University, has published a manuscript titled, “School Counselor Preparation To Support Inclusivity, Equity and Access for Students of Color With Disabilities” in the Frontiers in Education Journal, section Special Educational Needs. The article addresses how school counselor education programs can use the ASCA Model framework themes in preparing school counselor trainees to engage in best practices to encourage, support, and ensure that students of color with disabilities have access and inclusion in the general education setting.
Manuscript title: School Counselor Preparation To Support Inclusivity, Equity and Access for Students of Color With Disabilities
Journal: Frontiers in Education, section Special Educational Needs
Article type: Conceptual Analysis
Authors: Diane Reese
Manuscript ID: 588528
Edited by: Waganesh A Zeleke