Dr. Intima Alrimawi Publishes Paper in Applied Nursing Research Journal
Dr. Intima Alrimawi, Assistant Professor of Nursing, in the School of Nursing and Health Professions at Trinity Washington University had recently published her paper, titled: Ali, L. A. I., Saifan, A., Alrimawi, I., Atout, M., & Salameh, B. (2021) Perceptions of nurses about reporting Medication administration errors in Jordanian hospitals: A qualitative study. Applied Nursing Research,...
Intima Alrimawi Publishes Paper in the Journal of Nursing Measurement
Dr. Intima Alrimawi, Assistant Professor of Nursing, in the School of Nursing and Health Professions at Trinity Washington University had recently published her paper, titled: “Exploring the Reliability and Validity of the Adapted Arabic Sense of Coherence Scale” in the Journal of Nursing Measurement Al-Yateem, N., Alrimawi, I., Fakhry, R., AlShujairi, A., Rahman, S. A.,...
Assistant Professor Intima Alrimawi Presents Paper at The Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference
Dr. Intima Alrimawi, Assistant Professor of Nursing in the School of Nursing and Health Professions at Trinity Washington University virtually presented two of her research papers at The Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS)-32nd annual Scientific conference; The Revolutionary Power of Nursing Science: Health Equity, Policy, and Practice. This virtual conference was conducted in March 26-27, 2020....
Dr. Monique Green Accepted to the National Institute for Urban School Leaders
Dr. Monique Green, Assistant Professor of Education at Trinity Washington University, was formally accepted to the National Institute for Urban School Leaders. The five-day institute will gather “expert faculty and leaders from across the country to examine successful practices in urban schools, placing those practices within a broader context of race, class, culture, and social...
Dr. Intima Alrimawi Attends and Leads Review Team at the WRNRC Annual Conference
Dr. Intima Alrimawi, Assistant Professor in Nursing, from the School of Nursing and Health Professions at Trinity University had attended the Washington Regional Nursing Research 10th Annual Doctoral Conference (WRNRC) on November 14th, 2019 at the Catholic University of America. She also was a lead member of the abstracts review team for the WRNRC conference.
Dahlman Earns Graduate Certificate in Health Care Education
Prof. Jennifer Dahlman (Assistant Professor of Nursing) recently earned this certificate through Regis University after completing a practicum at Georgetown University.
Ocampo Will Present at Mid-Year Conference on Religion and Spirituality
Dr. Carlota Ocampo (Associate Provost and Associate Professor of Psychology) will present a co-authored paper on April 26, 2014.
Johnson Publishes Book
Sr. Mary Johnson, SND, PhD (Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies), will have her new co-authored book, New Generations of Catholic Sisters: The Challenge of Diversity, published this May.
Stocker article published in Middle East Journal
Dr. James Stocker, Assistant Professor of International Affairs, has had an article titled “No EEZ Solution: The Politics of Oil and Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean” published in the Middle East Journal. The abstract and full citation information is available online at this link.
Johnson article published in America magazine
Sr. Mary Johnson, S.N.D., Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies and Sociology, has had an article titled “Reality Check: A Fact-Based Assessment of Vocations to Religious Life” that she co-authored with Sr. Patricia Wittberg, S.C., published in the October 15 edition of America, the national Catholic weekly magazine. It is available online at this link.