Trinity Washington University Academic Governance
Faculty Committee Charges & Membership
Trinity’s governance structures and processes reflect these principles and values:
- Mission: The academic governance system ensures that academic decisions reflect Trinity’s mission and values;
- Strategic Focus: The governance system aligns decisions about academic policies, curricula and programs with the strategic goals of Trinity;
- Quality and Integrity: The academic governance system protects and strengthens Trinity’s ongoing adherence to principles of quality and integrity in all academic matters;
- Public Accountability: The governance system supports Trinity’s public accountability through overseeing Trinity’s compliance with accreditation standards, disciplinary expectations, and regulatory requirements;
- Subsidiarity: Whenever possible, decisions occur at the local level with further review only necessary in matters of major policy affecting Trinity’s institutional goals, reputation or fiscal health; subsidiarity does not imply isolation or autonomy; decisionmakers at all levels must communicate effectively and responsibly with others;
- Consultation and Participation: In shared governance, faculty and administrators comment on and participate in decision-making about matters that affect their work;
- Collegiality: Faculty and administrators share responsibility for the achievement of Trinity College’s institutional goals, and do so in a spirit of mutuality and inclusiveness;
- Efficiency and Effectiveness: The governance system depends upon efficient and effective use of the time and talent of all participants, and delivery of results in a timely manner;
- Data and Information: Accurate, current data and analyses should inform governance decisions, and all proposals should include thorough analysis of data related to enrollments, outcomes, usages, costs and revenues.
Academic Executive Committee
The Academic Executive Committee facilitates the management of academic affairs at Trinity by providing a regular meeting opportunity for all leaders of the various academic committees and processes to come together to review the master agenda for academic affairs and to coordinate the various projects, issues and tasks flowing through the committees and schools.
Committee Membership 2024-2025
- Provost Carlota Ocampo, co-chair
- James Stocker, Associate Professor of Global Affairs, co-chair elected-at-large
- Stacey Baugh, Associate Professor of Psychology, Co-Chair of Rank & Tenure
- Christopher Bishop, Associate Professor of Psychology, Co-Chair of UCAP
- Kerry Luse, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Co-Chair of Rank & Tenure
- Patrice Moss, Associate Professor of Biology, Co-Chair of Faculty Welfare
- Chaz Muth, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies, PGS representative
- Patrice Nielson, Assistant Professor of Biology, Chair of Professional Development
- Fr. Stephen Thorne, Distinguished Professor of Education, EDU representative
- Deans Christine Carrino Gorowara (EDU), Thomas Mostowy (PGS), Brigid Noonan (NHP), Sita Ramamurti (CAS)
Curriculum and Academic Policy Committees
The University CAP Committee includes membership from each school, with a specific charge to formulate academic policy and review its implementation and to oversee assessments, program reviews, and proposals for new degrees. Each school establishes a Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy according to procedures determined by the faculty of the individual school.
University CAP (UCAP) Committee
- Christopher Howard, Assistant Professor of Public Health, NHP, Co-Chair
- Christopher Bishop, Associate Professor of Psychology, CAS, Co-Chair
- Anette Casiano Negroni, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, CAS
- Marie Celeste, Associate Professor of Education, EDU
- Sonya Cole, Assistant Professor of Business Administration, PGS
- Nyesa Enekaya, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, CAS
- Keisha Rollins-Monroe, Assistant Professor of Nursing, NHP
- Wairimu Mwangi, Assistant Professor of Sociology, CAS
- Trisha Smith, University Librarian
- Deans Christine Carrino Gorowara (EDU), Thomas Mostowy (PGS), Brigid Noonan (NHP), Sita Ramamurti (CAS)
- Provost Carlota Ocampo
College of Arts & Sciences CAP (CAS-CAP) Committee
- Joshua Wright, Assistant Professor of Global Affairs, Chair
- Bill Beverly, Associate Professor of English
- Kimberly Monroe, Assistant Professor of Global Affairs
- Shizuka Hsieh, Associate Professor of Chemistry
- Kaitlin Wellens, Assistant Professor of Biology
- Dean Sita Ramamurti
School of Education CAP (EDU-CAP) Committee
- Marie Celeste, Associate Professor or Education
- Jennifer Lee, Assistant Professor of Education
- Michael Rowe, Director of Early Childhood Education
- Fr. Stephen Thorne, Distinguished Professor of Education
- Gladys Williams, Director of School Leadership
- Dean Christine Gorowara
School of Nursing & Health Professions CAP (NHP-CAP) Committee
- Nicole Betschman, Assistant Professor and Chair of Public Health
- Khafi Muhammad, Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Carrie O’Reilly, Director of Nursing
- Jennifer Wallace, Assistant Professor of Nursing
- Olivia White, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
- Dean Brigid Noonan
School of Professional and Graduate Studies (PGS-CAP) Committee
- Kristina Clark, Assistant Professor and Chair, BA Human Relations and Psychology
- Sonya Cole, Assistant Professor and Chair, BS/MBA Business Administration
- Javier Lopez, Assistant Professor and Chair, MSA Leadership and Administration
- Chaz Muth, Director of the Newsroom and Chair, BA Journalism and Media Studies
- Jamal Watson, Assistant Professor and Chair, MS Strategic Communication and Public Relations
- Dean Thomas Mostowy
Education and Technology Committee
The Education and Technology Committee is a university-wide committee dedicated to instructional and academic technology issues.
- Wairimu Mwangi, Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Patrice Nielson, Assistant Professor of Biology
- Mia Ray, Associate Professor of Biology
- Rosanna Sanchez John, Assistant Professor of Counseling
- Lisa Simmons, Director of Occupational Therapy
- Cindy Philpot, Director of Instructional Technology
- Trisha Smith, University Librarian
- Provost Carlota Ocampo
Faculty Welfare
The Committee on Faculty Welfare works to promote an effective working environment for all faculty at Trinity.
- Stacey Baugh, Associate Professor of Psychology, Co-Chair
- Patrice Moss, Associate Professor of Biology, Co-Chair
- Anette Casiano Negroni, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
- Rebecca Easby, Associate Professor of Fine Art
- Lynda Jackson, Associate Professor of Business Administration
- Jamey Piland, Associate Professor of Communication
- Mia Ray, Associate Professor of Biology
Professional Development & Scholarship
The Committee on Professional Development and Scholarship reflects Trinity’s commitment to supporting and strengthening the intellectual talent and scholarly renown of Trinity’s faculty.
- Patrice Nielson, Assistant Professor of Biology, Co-Chair
- Kimberly Monroe, Assistant Professor of Global Affairs, Co-chair
- Mercedes Callenes, Assistant Professor of Global Affairs
- Deborah Harris-Obrien, Professor of Psychology
- Angela Karpeniack, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
- Olivia White, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
- Deans Christine Carrino Gorowara (EDU), Thomas Mostowy (PGS), Brigid Noonan (NHP), Sita Ramamurti (CAS)
- Provost Carlota Ocampo
Rank & Tenure
The Committee on Rank and Tenure ensures fulfillment of Trinity’s goals for excellence in teaching, scholarship and service among the faculty.
- Stacey Baugh, Professor of Psychology, Co-Chair
- Kerry Luse, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Co-Chair
- Rewa Burnham, Associate Professor of English
- Steven Gable, Associate Professor of Philosophy
- Deborah Harris-O’Brien, Professor of Psychology
- Lynda Jackson, Associate Professor of Business Administration
- Patrice Moss, Associate Professor of Biology
- Jamey Piland, Associate Professor of Communication
Faculty Representatives to the Board of Trustees
The faculty also have formal roles for faculty representation to the Board of Trustees, and through service as participants and advisors in other administrative matters.
- Patrice Moss, CAS, Associate Professor and Chair, Biology
- Lisa Simmons, NHP, Assistant Professor and Director, Occupational Therapy