Academic Services Center

The Academic Services Center, located in the Library, provides a one-stop-shop for the following services:

We’re Here to Help

Contact us at the email addresses and phone numbers below.

Academic Services Staff

Kimberly LaBoone, Ph.D., Director, Academic Services Center

Dr. LaBoone oversees academic support functions including peer tutoring and individual or group programs designed to help students improve their academic skills (studying, time management, test taking, note taking, etc.). She also manages certain institutional assessments such as the Accuplacer, institutional language testing, and make up exams.  202-884-9360 | Office location: Library 104



Sarah Young, Ed.D., Director, Disability Support Services

Dr. Young is responsible for providing academic accommodations to students who have documented disabilities and who self-identify as needing services. Dr. Young also advises faculty and staff on best practices for supporting students with disabilities in higher education as well as facilitates conversations between faculty/staff and students to help students fully access campus programs, services, and facilities. | 202-884-9227 | Office location: Main 246

Career Services Staff

Career Services staff also known as Career Ambassadors provide assistance to students in all aspects of career planning, career development, and internship/job attainment. Career Ambassadors provide the necessary tools and resources that meet the individual career and educational goals of Trinity students. Make an appointment via Starfish or send an email. | 202-884-9363 | Office location: Library 103

Soulyka Agana-Woodbine, LMSW, Director, Career Development and Preparation

Ms. Agana-Woodbine oversees the career services department interfacing with students, faculty, staff and employers. She advises faculty and staff on best practices for supporting students with career development in the classroom. | 202-884-9367 | Office location: Library 103