Letter from the Dean
Dear May 2024 Graduates:
I am pleased to provide you with information about this year’s Spring Graduation – May Commencement which will take place in two separate ceremonies on Friday, May 17, 2024, at 5:00 pm (BGS, EDU, SPS), and Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 11:00 am (CAS and NHP), for those students who complete their degrees in May 2024. This letter will be sent in late March to all students who have applied for May Graduation and/or are completing (or have completed) requirements for graduation.
May Commencement will be held on the Front Lawn, adjacent to Main Hall, and facing the Library.
May Commencement will include academic regalia and a formal ceremony. Graduates are welcome to invite their families and friends. There are no tickets for the outdoor ceremony, but we do ask that invite 20 or fewer guests. The Ceremony will be held Rain or Shine, so please be prepared.
May Commencement Schedule of Events
- Friday, May 17, 2024: 5:00 pm, Front Lawn: The School of Professional and Graduate Studies (SPS, BGS, and EDU) Commencement
- Saturday, May 18, 2024: 11:00 am, Front Lawn: The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS); The School of Nursing and Health Professions (NHP); and the Early College Academy (ECA) Commencement
You are responsible to read and pay attention to all information about the completion of your academic requirements, meeting your financial obligations, and Graduation instructions. In order to ensure a joyful Graduation, we ask you to take care of your academic and financial obligations well in advance. Please see the May Graduation Checklist for details and deadlines.
Please complete the May Graduation RSVP Form, which is due by Friday, May 10, 2024.
For May Commencement every graduate will need a black cap, black gown, and black tassel. Also, for bachelor’s and master’s degrees you will need an academic hood, and for an associate’s degree, you will need a collar. If you previously purchased your Cap and Gown for the Cap and Gown Convocation, you would only need to purchase the hood or collar at this time.
Regalia Purchase: Business Office, located in Main Hall 114 (1st floor)
Regalia Pickup: Student Affairs, located in Main Hall 223 (2nd floor)
Regalia Sales and Pickup will begin on Monday, April 22, 2024, continuing through Thursday, May 16, 2024, during the following hours:
- Mondays: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Tuesdays: 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
- Wednesdays: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Thursdays: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Fridays: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Also on Saturday, May 4, 2024: 8:00 am—2:00 pm
The prices for regalia are:
- Associate’s Degree: Cap, Gown, Black Tassel $32.00 and Collar: $22.00 (Total cost: $54.00)
- Bachelor’s Degrees (Undergraduate): Cap, Gown, Black Tassel $32.00 and Hood: $26.00 (Total cost: $58.00)
- Master’s Degrees (Graduate): Cap, Gown, Black Tassel $33.00 and Hood: $27.00 (Total cost: $60.00)
Please note that Graduates will receive their collar or hood at check-in on the day of their in-person ceremony on graduation day. Please see full instructions at https://discover.trinitydc.edu/commencement/may-2024-instructions/.
Best regards,
Michele Bowie, Dean of Student Services
Dr. Karen Gerlach, Vice President for Student Affairs
Questions about Commencement? Call the Dean of Students Office at 202-884-9611 or email commencement@trinitydc.edu.