Commencement Instructions

Congratulations to our Graduates!

This page provides specific instructions to assist you with planning for Commencement.  Please review the details below and let us know if you have any questions. or Dean Meechie Bowie at 202-884-9611.

Arrival and Check-in

All Graduates must arrive for check-in 1 hours before the start of their Graduation ceremony at the Trinity Center.

  • Thursday, January 9, 2025: All Professional and Graduate Studies Graduates (PGS – includes School of Professional Studies, Business and Graduate Studies, and School of Education – SPS, BGS, EDU): ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 4:00 pm.  Check-in at Trinity Center.
  • Friday, January 10, 2025: All College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and All School of Nursing and Health Professions (NHP) graduates.  ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 4:00 pm. Check-in at Trinity Center.


  • Graduation regalia includes a black cap, black gown, black tassel, and an Academic Hood or Collar.  This is required to process with the graduates.
    • Regalia purchase: Business Office, located in Main Hall 114 (1st floor) and beginning on Tuesday December 3, 2024 at NOON, and then during regular business hours through Wednesday January 8, 2025. Please keep in mind that the University is closed from Friday December 20th through Wednesday January 1st. If you already have your Cap and Gown from Convocation, then you only need to purchase your hood.  Please note that the hood is provided on Graduation Day, not in advance.  The prices for regalia are:
      • Associate’s Degree: Cap, Gown, Black Tassel $32.00/Collar: $23.00 (Total cost: $55.00)
      • Bachelor’s Degrees: Cap, Gown, Black Tassel $32.00/Hood: $28.00 (Total cost: $60.00)
      • Master’s Degrees: Cap, Gown, Black Tassel $33.00/Hood: $29.00 (Total cost: $62.00)

      Regalia Distribution:  After you make your purchase, you will pick up your cap and gown and Tickets at Regalia Distribution: Student Affairs, located in Main Hall 223 (2nd floor).

      Tuesdays December 3, 10 and 17th: 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
      Wednesdays December 4, 11, 18: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
      Thursdays December 5, 12 and 19: 8:00am to 5:00pm
      Fridays December 6 and 13: 8:00am to 5:00pm
      Saturday December 14: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

      Distribution will resume in January and occur on January 2, 3, 6, 7, 8th from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

  • Please note: Spring 2025 Graduates will receive their Academic Hood or Collar on the day of graduation when they check-in on the day of their in-person ceremony.

Graduation Cap Decorating Guidelines: January 2025

Decorations on graduation caps (mortar boards) are a symbol of pride and accomplishment. The decorations represent personalized statements about accomplishments that can be presented in the form of a quote, an image, a symbol, a flag or other things.  To ensure that commencement exercises remain dignified celebrations of achievement of all students, the following rules must be followed when decorating caps for graduation:

  • Decorations should not interfere with attaching the tassel to the cap.
  • Only the flat top of the Trinity-issued black cap may be decorated.
  • Decorations may not hang off the sides of the cap.
  • Large embellishments may not interfere with the view of students seated behind you.
  • Graduation caps must not have any advertisements, symbols, words or slogans conveying messages inappropriate at an academic commencement ceremony.
  • Caps must not threaten the safety of others or use any hate speech of any kind.
  • Obscene, profane or vulgar language is expressly prohibited.
  • Words or items diminishing or slandering toward any individual or institution, the University, any faculty or staff member, and/or any student are prohibited on graduation caps.
  • Caps must be consistent with the code of conduct for Trinity Washington University.
  • Decorations are prohibited on the academic gown and hood.

Commencement Questions?  Office: Main Hall 223  Phone: 202-884-9611 Email:


  • Spring 2025 Graduates will receive their diploma in person on Graduation Day.  It will be presented to you on stage when your name is called.  If you are unable to attend in person, it will be mailed to you.


  • Seating is available in the bleachers and on the floor of the gymnasium, and staff members will be available to direct and assist your guests.
  • On-campus parking is available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we encourage the use of public transportation.  Staff will direct and assist guests to available on-campus parking, or guests may park in available street parking.
  • The Trinity shuttle will be running to and from Brookland Metro Station, and car service drop-off will be marked at the front of the Trinity Center.
  • For those who are unable to attend in person, we will be providing a livestream of each ceremony at:

Questions? or Dean Meechie Bowie at 202-884-9611.