Vendor Payment Check Requests

All purchases that are not accompanied by an invoice (i.e. payment to an individual) require a Check Request (found on our Business Forms Page) to be completed and submitted to the Business Office.

The Check Request (found on our Business Forms Page) must be fully completed with all of the requested information, which the Business Office needs to process the check request. Check requests must contain the amount to be paid, the PO number if one exists, the full vendor name, and the full budget code(s) to be charged. All relevant backup documentation to support the purchase should be attached as well.  If you are unsure of the budget code, please use the below Budget Code Lookup Tool.

Once the linked check request form is completed, it will be sent to the Business Office for review and processing.  Please note that this form is not for travel reimbursement requests.  Please also note that Trinity’s policy states that purchase orders are required for all purchases.  Completing a check request form without a purchase order should only be done in very rare circumstances.

Please note that Trinity requires that we have taxpayer information on file for all vendors before a check can be issued.  If you are working with a vendor that has not been paid previously, please make sure that a W-9 form is completed and faxed to the Business Office at 202-884-9029. The W-9 form is available on our Business Office Forms page, or contact us for a copy: