Gail Frances Coffman

Gail Frances Coffman

Gail Frances Coffman lived vibrantly for 82 years getting up early, working hard, walking every day and shocking doctors by not needing a single pill. She died two years later on October 30, 2020 from lung cancer, which no pill can cure.
Gail was born in Barberton, Ohio to John and Elizabeth Agnes (Marr) Judge. She graduated from the School of the Holy Child Jesus, Suffern, NY in 1954. She won so many book awards that we have a shelf devoted to them. She also must have set a record for most choir memberships. They were small choirs, to be sure, but they traveled around the New York area winning competitions against much larger schools. Gail loved an underdog and reveled in those early victories! She graduated from Trinity College in Washington, DC in 1958 and headed to Wall Street, where she worked as a group manager in investment services at Merrill Lynch and lived in Greenwich Village.

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