Trinity Washington University’s Student Government Council

The Student Government Council (SGC) is comprised of individual class presidents and vice presidents, Campus Activities Association (CAA) leaders, along with Commuter Student Council (CSC) leaders.

We work within the Office of Student Affairs and have monthly meetings to plan out and organize events for the semester.

All Student Affairs activities this semester will be held virtually, including SGC meetings. Our monthly meetings are mandatory for elected officers to attend. 

Supporting members of SGC are also encouraged to join us if they would like to share their input and ideas for the semester during our meetings.

SGC President

Alexandra Bernier is a senior originally from Haiti, who relocated to San Diego, California. She majors in Global Affairs and Criminal Justice. Her favorite quote is “Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly”. -Proverbs 26:11 This means that even in situations when actions have consequences, people may continue to make the same mistakes. “Lexi” currently serves as president of the Student Government Council.

Campus Activities Association Leaders

Campus Activities Association (CAA) is responsible for developing engaging and educational programs for the general student body at Trinity Washington University. 

We work along SGC and all clubs on campus to coordinate events and encourage student involvement.

CAA President

Jamilehy Ramos is a junior from Takoma Park, Maryland, who majors in Business. Her favorite quote is “Don’t focus on the aesthetic. It’s really about who you are, and the human being that makes you beautiful.” by Beyonce. Jamilehy currently serves as president of the Campus Activities Association.

CAA Vice President

Aniya Peay is a sophomore from Washington, DC. She majors in Global Affairs and History. Her favorite quote is “Think like a proton , and stay positive”. Aniya currently serves as the vice president of the Campus Activities Association.

Commuter Student Council Leaders

CSC President

Lakshmi Mosquera Herrera is a senior from Bogota, Colombia. She majors in Global Affairs and Latin American Development Studies. Her favorite quote is “Lift as you climb, because our success is measured not just by what we achieve, but by how we empower others along the way.” Lakshmi currently serves as president of the Commuter Student Council.

CSC Vice President

Catherine Stephanie Rodriguez is a senior from Washington, DC. She majors in Business Administration and minors in Accounting and Finances. Her favorite quote is “Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.” Catherine currently serves as Vice President of the Commuter Student Council.

Blue Class (2025) Leaders

Blue Class President

Florence Njoroge is a senior from Kajiado, Kenya 🇰🇪. She majors in Biochemistry. Her favorite quote is “Be your safe space”. Florence currently serves as president of the Blue Class of 2025.

Blue Class Vice President

Kerry Chavarria Gonzalez is a senior from Mexico, who grew up in Manteo, N.C. She majors in Biology with a minor in Public Health. Her favorite quote is “The students united will never be defeated! FREE FREE FREE PALESTINE.” Kerry currently serves as the vice president of the Blue Class of 2025.

Green Class (2026) Leaders

Green Class President

Flor Meraz is a junior originally from Apatzingan, Michoacan who currently resides in Murtaugh, Idaho. She majors in Business Administration with a minor in Data Analytics. Her favorite quote is “If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it” by Muhammad Ali. Flor currently serves as president of the Green class of 2026.

Green Class Vice President

Christy Ramos is a junior from Silver Spring, Maryland. She majors in Psychology with a minor in Fine Arts. Her favorite quote is “I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” by Marilyn Monroe. Christy currently serves as the vice president of the Green Class of 2026.

Gold Class (2027) Leaders

Gold Class President

Belky Lemus Alvarado is a sophomore from Rocky Mount, North Carolina. She majors in Global Affairs with a minor in Environmental Justice. Her favorite quote is “Believe you can and you’re halfway there” by Theodore Roosevelt. Belky serves as president of the Gold Class of 2027.

Gold Class Vice President

Jacqueline Guevara Aguilar is a sophomore from Washington, D.C. She majors in Elementary Education with a minor in Psychology. One of her favorite quotes is “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” by Aristotle. Jacqueline currently serves as the vice president of the Gold Class of 2027.

Red Class (2028) Leaders

Red Class President

Tyler Rae White is a first-year student from Hampton, Virginia. She majors in Biology, with a minor in Bioinformatics. Her favorite quote is “I’m not throwing away my shot.” by Lin-Manuel Miranda, from Hamilton the Musical. Tyler currently serves as president of the Red Class of 2028.

Red Class Vice President