Message from the SND Congregational Leadership Team
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Congregational Leadership Team sends congratulations on the occasion of Trinity’s 125th Anniversary.
Heresy or Legacy? SNDs at the Founding of Trinity
A hot one-day round-trip by train to Atlantic City in 1897 did not daunt the SNDs in their quest to establish Trinity.
Iconic Women Leaders and Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth would disdain the label “feminist” but she ruled with purpose and dignity.
Digital Time Capsule for Trinity’s 125th Anniversary!
Trinity students, faculty, staff of 2022 are creating a digital archive to show the Trinity community in 2097 (Trinity’s Bicenntenial year!) what the Trinity community is like at our 125th Anniversary.
Trinity Vaxx Champions Part Two!!
Trinity students are leading the way on vaccines to conquer Covid-19! Here are more Trinity Vaxx Champions!
Women Building Civilization
The Sisters of Notre Dame who founded and built Trinity were emblematic of Catholic religious women who took on the responsibility of building civilization through education.