Instructional Specialists
Mr. Carlos Cardenas, Instructional Math Specialist
Dr. Kendra Pleasant, Instructional Math Specialist
Reading and Writing
Ms. Kia Joppy, Reading and Writing Specialist
Ms. Laurel Zwicharowski, Reading/Writing Specialist
Trinity’s Instructional Specialists provide essential instruction and support to the university’s undergraduate students in a variety of areas: mathematics, reading, and writing. These dedicated and experienced teachers are scholars in their respective fields, but they are also experts in instructional delivery and thus stay current in the developments and trends of their subjects’ pedagogies and praxes.
Trinity’s Specialists are particularly dedicated to teaching undergraduates in their first semesters at the university. These instructors are an integral part of an instructional and administrative team that includes their academic deans and program faculty and that works closely with other colleagues across Trinity. These instructors also play vital roles in a wide variety of other areas, ranging from being part of Trinity’s instructional team at THEARC to working with the Writing Center and Math Center as well as supporting faculty development across the university.