A Safe Campus for Learning

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) at Trinity is a full service public safety provider, operating 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, year round, with responsibility for campus safety, campus crime awareness and campus crime prevention.  The Communications Center is staffed by a DPS Officer at all times and there is a supervisor on each shift.  Additionally, the DPS has oversight for parking services, ID card services, emergency management services, plus duties including staffing special events, providing safety escorts, administering vehicle assistance, and managing vehicular and traffic control on campus.


We’re Here to Help – Call Us First

Reporting Crime, Unusual or Suspicious Activity, and Other Emergencies – Call 202-884-9111

For activity occurring on the campus, the DPS is the best line of contact because we are most often the first responders to the scene. When you contact the DPS an officer(s) will be dispatched to the location of the incident.

The DPS will report major offenses to appropriate law enforcement authorities and emergency care providers as needed, or as required. The Department sustains an exceptional partnership with the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD); as such, when information is received regarding unusual, suspicious, or criminal activity that may involve a member of the University community, the DPS will actively investigate information received and work in collaboration with the MPD.

Should you become a victim of a crime, or should you witness a crime, immediately contact the Department of Public Safety at (202) 884-9111 or dial 9111 from a campus phone. We encourage all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to immediately report all suspicious or unusual activity to the DPS.

Location & Hours

Department of Public Safety: Main Hall, B-8
Contact us (24 hours): 202-884-9111