Policy: NO Smoking on Campus
Trinity strives to maintain a healthy workplace and campus environment for all staff, students, faculty and visitors. For that reason, Trinity discourages smoking generally, and no smoking is permitted anywhere on campus, with the exception for resident students noted below.
This policy includes traditional tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars), clove or other cigarettes, pipes and other devices, as well as vapor cigarettes (also known as vapes or e-cigarettes), marijuana and any and all forms of smoking with any device and any products.
Trinity expects all members of the campus community, vendors and visitors to adhere to this policy:
- NO SMOKING in any building or elsewhere on campus at any time. Those who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action. (Exception after dark for resident students, see #3).
- If you need to smoke, you must do so off-campus. We ask that you NOT congregate at any of the driveway entrances. If you must smoke, move around the corner along the Franklin Street fence.
- Resident students: during the daytime, resident students must follow the same rules, see #2. After dark, resident students who wish to smoke may do so on the parking lots for Cuvilly Hall or Kerby Hall, but you may not leave any butts. If we find smoking debris on the parking lots, we may choose to remove this exception from the policy entirely.
- Visitors and vendors must follow the same rules.
- Violations of this policy will incur serious disciplinary penalties. The lives and health of everyone on campus are at risk, along with the potential for grave damage to our buildings and campus.