Trinity Policies
Trinity reserves the right to interpret or change its policies as the need arises. A policy is not a contract. In addition to the policies listed below, many policies are included in the Academic Catalog, and the Academic, Employee and Student Handbooks. These documents should be read carefully.
- Trinity Charter and By-Laws are posted on the Policy Resources page.
- Tax Exempt Letter of Certification A text version of the letter is available.
Honor Code
All members of the Trinity community are expected to abide by the university’s Honor Code:
“I realize the responsibly involved in membership in the Trinity community. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of this community. I also affirm my intentions to live according to the standards of honor, to which lying, stealing, and cheating are opposed. I will help others to maintain this responsibly in all matters essential to the common good of the community.”
Academic Policies/Handbooks
- College of Arts and Sciences Academic Policies (in the Academic Catalog)
- School of Education Academic Policies (in the Academic Catalog)
- School of Professional Studies Academic Handbook
- School of Business and Graduate Studies Academic Handbook
- School of Nursing and Healthcare Professions Undergraduate Program Academic Policies (in the Academic Catalog)
- School of Nursing and Healthcare Professions Graduate Program Academic Policies (in the Academic Catalog)
Other Handbooks
- Trinity Student Handbook
- Employee Handbook
- Faculty Handbook is posted on the Policy Resources page.
- Trinity College of Arts and Sciences Parent and Family Handbook
Compliance With Federal Regulations
Many of the policies and handbooks linked on this page also satisfy Trinity’s compliance with federal regulations. For the complete list of compliance activities, see Inventory of Trinity Compliance With Federal Regulations.
- Academic and Co-Curricular Travel and Field Trips
- Academic Honesty
- Access to Trinity’s Campus
- Admissions Requirements (in the Academic Catalog)
- Americans With Disabilities Act (in the Employee Handbook)
- Artificial Intelligence: Policy Statement on the Appropriate Use of AI in Coursework
- Campus Safety and Security: Clery Act Compliance
- Cash Handling
- Children on Campus
- Complaints and Grievances
- Contracts, Regulations and Legal Authority
- Corporate Credit Card Policy
- Course Attendance for Students and Faculty
- Credit Hour Policy
- D.C. Wage Transparency Act
- Disciplinary Proceedings
- Documentation of Leave Taken
- Drug-Free Workplace Act
- Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
- Electronic Devices in the Classroom
- Emergency and Weather Communications
- Emergency Management Plan
- Federal Refund/Repayment Requirements when a Student Withdraws
- Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination (in the Employee Handbook)
- Ethical Conduct and Communications
- Financial Responsibility of Students
- Financial Obligations and Expenditures
- Freedom of Speech, Right to Protest and Management of Demonstrations
- Framework for Academic Governance is posted on the Policy Resources page.
- Fund Raising, Proposals and Grants Management
- Memo: Additional Guidance for New Program Proposals
- Standard Outline for New Program or Funding Proposals
- Grant Process Illustrated is posted on the Policy Resources page.
- Financial Spreadsheet for New Program Proposals (Excel spreadsheet) is posted on the Policy Resources page.
- Harassment Policy
- Honor System
- Housing Policies
- Information Access and Security
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Missing Students
- Online Communications
- Operating Purchases for Non-Personnel and Non-Grant Goods and Services
- Parking Regulations (via Public Safety)
- Payment Arrangement
- Plagiarism
- Political Activities
- Privacy and Online Transaction Confirmation
- Prohibited Transactions
- Protecting Student Privacy
- Refunds
- Red Flag Identity Theft Prevention
- Residence Hall Policies
- Risk Management
- Salary Advances
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Self-Service Terms of Service
- Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Policy)
- Smoking on Campus
- Social Media, Moodle and Online Communications
- Student Activities, Policies and Procedures
- Student Code of Responsible Conduct
- Student Code of Conduct for Professional Students
- Student Financial Responsibilities
- Student Handbook
- Student Self-Governance & Organizations
- Technology and Telecommunications Policy Guide
- Title IX Policy on Sexual Misconduct
- Transfer Credit Policy
- Travel
- Travel and Conference Support for Full-Time Faculty
- Travel and Field Trips, Academic and Co-Curricular
- Weather and Emergency Communications
- Work Study and Student Employment Plan