Education (M.A.T.)
Dr. Monique Green, Assistant Professor of Education
The graduate programs in teacher education offer the Master of Arts in Teaching degree (MAT) and prepare graduate students for teaching careers. Trinity’s MAT programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator (CAEP) and approved by the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE).
Candidates who successfully complete the MAT program and fulfill the other requirements set by OSSE are eligible for teacher certification in the District of Columbia and in other jurisdictions, as determined by reciprocity agreements.
The MAT is offered in early childhood, elementary, special education, and secondary education. Prospective students for Trinity’s MAT program should refer to the School of Education’s Policy on the State Required Examinations.
The School of Education also offers a dual licensure program of study focused on preparing all educators to work with students with diverse learning needs in inclusive settings. The dual licensure options include: early childhood education and special education, elementary education and special education, or secondary education and special education.
Through a sequenced course of study, students gain knowledge, skills, and experiences in preparation for certification. Most of the professional education courses require a practicum, internship, or other field experiences in addition to regular class meetings.
The program may be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis. However, one semester of full-time study is required for the Internship/Student Teaching in the last semester of the program, during which the University places students in public, charter, and private school systems in the Washington metropolitan area.
Upon students’ entry into the program, faculty in the Education Programs advise students on their courses of study, including professional education course work.
Summary Pass-Rates on Praxis Exams (TITLE II DATA)
Type of Assessment |
Pass Rate
Pass Rate
Aggregate – Basic Skills |
100% |
99% |
Aggregate – Professional Knowledge & Content |
94% |
90% |
Application to Student Teaching
Students may enroll in Internship/Student Teaching when all of the following conditions are met:
1) All Education Core and Methods courses are completed with no more than one grade below a B;
2) Qualifying scores are obtained on the ETS Praxis II; and
3) Students are in good academic standing.
During the semester before candidates plan to complete the Internship/Student Teaching, they must complete an application for student teaching. The application form must be signed by the student and the student’s academic advisor in the Education Programs. The completed and signed form is due before the end of registration in the Fall or Spring semester prior to the time when the student wishes to student teach. Trinity has sole authority to make all student teaching placements. Failure to complete this form and obtain the requisite approvals on time may disqualify prospective teachers from student teaching during the desired semester.
Course Requirements and Specializations
Early Childhood Education Specialization, Ages 3-8
The early childhood education specialization requires 36 credits, and the course of study provides a comprehensive core of knowledge and field-based experience for students desiring to work with young children (ages 3-8).
ALL of the following courses must be completed with no more than one grade below a “B”:
Core Requirements (18 credits)
EDCC 510 Human Growth and DevelopmentReviews theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of human development, particularly the relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains. Critical life events and their adjustments from the prenatal period through adulthood are discussed, stressing the interaction between the developing person and a continually changing world. This course contains a field component.
3 credits
EDCC 530 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislated standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration between special educators, regular educators, related service providers, volunteers and parents. Also individual education programs (IEP) are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. The field experiences and observations are integral components of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 541 Foundations of Education and the Art of Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the processes of teaching and learning. These processes are embedded in human development, learning and motivational theories, and learning assessment. The social/cultural factors that have an impact on teaching and learning are also studied. This course will focus on topics of interest for educational psychologists as well as teachers and other professionals working with students. The course reviews theories of learning and styles of teaching from the most traditional to the latest innovations in the field. Classroom management techniques and strategies are studied and teacher candidates are required to analyze these and develop a classroom management plan. Field observations are a component of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 542 Positive Approaches to Teaching Students with Challenging BehaviorThis course reviews the history, theory, and implementation of providing positive behavioral supports to children with and without disabilities in a context of ethical interaction and reflective practice. Students will learn a variety of observational and planning tools for construction of authentic and responsive intervention strategies that lead to productive and inclusive learning communities. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, EDCC 541
EDCC 600 Research in EducationExamines qualitative and quantitative educational research methodologies. Students learn to read, analyze, and interpret the current literature in teaching and learning. Topics include defining the research process, writing a review of the literature, exploring methods of gathering quantitative and qualitative data, developing a research design, and examining ethical issues related to the research process. The skills developed in this course will be important for the development of the capstone topic in the Capstone course. Candidates will be able to interact and share research ideas with the other candidates from the other education programs, such as Teacher Education. Formally titled, "Research in Education and Counseling"
3 credits
EDCC 606 Assessment and Preparation of Individualized Learning PrescriptionsThis course provides a general background in assessment and evaluation issues, strategies, and techniques. Assessments as well as criteria for selecting assessments, inventories, for TESOL (listening, speaking, reading and writing), Special Education (diagnostic and individual evaluations), Elementary Education and Secondary Education. Development of assessments and evaluation tools along with rubrics is included. This course provides review of measurement statistics and practice with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of commonly used norm-referenced instruments and procedures for determination of eligibility for special education. Comparisons are made with informal assessment results, and ways to communicate results are discussed . Writi ng a formal report based on multiple data points is explained and detailed. The IEP process, from referral to eligibility determination and placement, is examined. Extensive field component with hands-on activities are an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
Specialization (12 credits)
EDTE 610 Early Childhood Development in Family and CultureExplores the ecology of child development, which focuses on the influences of the culture, community, and the family on the developing child, topics discussed include parental involvement in schools and the roles schools play in the community. The field component and infusion of technology are an integral part of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE 611 Literacy Development Across the CurriculumDevelops an understanding of the developmental continuum of literacy acquisition in early childhood and provides the foundation for learning developmentally appropriate techniques for enhancing early literacy development in children. The administration and interpretation of assessments for emergent and early literacy is included as a necessary component of planning effective instruction and learning opportunities. Infusing literacy promoting activities through the use of children's literature and other content areas of the early childhood curriculum will be stressed. The field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 552T. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE 613 Developing Concepts in Early Childhood Mathematics and ScienceDeveloping concepts in early childhood mathematics and science for diverse learners; observations, measurement, and experiments in mathematics and science will be explored. Teacher candidates construct units and integrate them across two content areas. The field component is an integral part of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE 627 Literacy Assessment and Instruction for Emergent and Early ReadersPrepares beginning teachers to instruct young children (Pre-K-Grade 3) in reading, writing, and the language arts. Current theories of reading acquisition and the reading process are discussed in order to provide a theoretical foundation for the practical work. Students learn how to use informal assessments and knowledge of the paths of literacy development to create lesson plans targeting the "cutting edge" of student learning. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Strategies for fostering engagement and motivation in literacy activities will be infused throughout the course. Course content also includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. The field experience is an integral component of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
Internship (Student Teaching) (6 credits)
BOTH of the following courses:
EDTE 671 Student Teaching in Early Childhood EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an early childhood education school setting, under the guidance and supervision of a licensed teacher and college supervisor. The internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 568G Supervised Teaching Internship in Early Childhood Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and passing score on the Praxis II content examination.
Co-requisite: EDTE 689
EDTE 689 Advanced Seminar in TeachingFocuses on professional development by encouraging examination of personal theories of teaching and learning; taken in conjunction with the student teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588A Advanced Seminar in Teaching. B or better required to advance.
3 credits
Co-requisites: EDTE 671 or EDTE 673 or EDTE 675 or EDTE 677 or EDTE 681
Elementary Education Specialization, Grades 1-6
The elementary education specialization requires 36 credits of course work, and the course of study provides a comprehensive core of knowledge and field-based experiences for students desiring to work with elementary school students in grades one through six.
ALL of the following courses must be completed with no more than one grade below a “B”:
Core Requirements (18 credits)
EDCC 510 Human Growth and DevelopmentReviews theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of human development, particularly the relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains. Critical life events and their adjustments from the prenatal period through adulthood are discussed, stressing the interaction between the developing person and a continually changing world. This course contains a field component.
3 credits
EDCC 530 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislated standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration between special educators, regular educators, related service providers, volunteers and parents. Also individual education programs (IEP) are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. The field experiences and observations are integral components of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 541 Foundations of Education and the Art of Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the processes of teaching and learning. These processes are embedded in human development, learning and motivational theories, and learning assessment. The social/cultural factors that have an impact on teaching and learning are also studied. This course will focus on topics of interest for educational psychologists as well as teachers and other professionals working with students. The course reviews theories of learning and styles of teaching from the most traditional to the latest innovations in the field. Classroom management techniques and strategies are studied and teacher candidates are required to analyze these and develop a classroom management plan. Field observations are a component of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 542 Positive Approaches to Teaching Students with Challenging BehaviorThis course reviews the history, theory, and implementation of providing positive behavioral supports to children with and without disabilities in a context of ethical interaction and reflective practice. Students will learn a variety of observational and planning tools for construction of authentic and responsive intervention strategies that lead to productive and inclusive learning communities. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, EDCC 541
EDCC 600 Research in EducationExamines qualitative and quantitative educational research methodologies. Students learn to read, analyze, and interpret the current literature in teaching and learning. Topics include defining the research process, writing a review of the literature, exploring methods of gathering quantitative and qualitative data, developing a research design, and examining ethical issues related to the research process. The skills developed in this course will be important for the development of the capstone topic in the Capstone course. Candidates will be able to interact and share research ideas with the other candidates from the other education programs, such as Teacher Education. Formally titled, "Research in Education and Counseling"
3 credits
EDCC 606 Assessment and Preparation of Individualized Learning PrescriptionsThis course provides a general background in assessment and evaluation issues, strategies, and techniques. Assessments as well as criteria for selecting assessments, inventories, for TESOL (listening, speaking, reading and writing), Special Education (diagnostic and individual evaluations), Elementary Education and Secondary Education. Development of assessments and evaluation tools along with rubrics is included. This course provides review of measurement statistics and practice with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of commonly used norm-referenced instruments and procedures for determination of eligibility for special education. Comparisons are made with informal assessment results, and ways to communicate results are discussed . Writi ng a formal report based on multiple data points is explained and detailed. The IEP process, from referral to eligibility determination and placement, is examined. Extensive field component with hands-on activities are an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
Specialization (12 credits)
EDTE 621 Teaching for Mathematical InquiryExamines elementary mathematics education methods and curriculum materials. Topics include current approaches to teaching mathematics, individualized programs, integrating mathematical understanding across the curriculum, and the development and implementation of mathematics laboratory activities in the classroom. Implications of research and theory to the teaching of mathematics are considered. The field component is an integral part of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 622 Teaching for Scientific InquiryExamines elementary science education methods, curriculum materials, and teaching strategies. Emphasis is on teaching strategies and materials that encou rage exploration and guided discovery and on the integration of scientific inquiry across the curriculum. The implications of research and theory to the teaching of science are considered. An activity-centered approach is used to study topics in science. The field experience is an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 624 Children's LiteratureSurveys children's literature with emphasis on works by major authors and illustrators. Topics include criteria for evaluating literature, sexism and multicultural aspects of literature for children, and integrating literature into the curriculum. Genres covered in the course include picture books, folktales, fables, myths, modern fantasy, poetry, and modern and historical fiction. A field component may be required. Formerly EDU 514 Children's Literature. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 627 Literacy Assessment and Instruction for Emergent and Early ReadersPrepares beginning teachers to instruct young children (Pre-K-Grade 3) in reading, writing, and the language arts. Current theories of reading acquisition and the reading process are discussed in order to provide a theoretical foundation for the practical work. Students learn how to use informal assessments and knowledge of the paths of literacy development to create lesson plans targeting the "cutting edge" of student learning. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Strategies for fostering engagement and motivation in literacy activities will be infused throughout the course. Course content also includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. The field experience is an integral component of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
Student Teaching Internship and Seminar in Teaching (6 credits)
BOTH of the following courses:
EDTE 673 Student Teaching in Elementary EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an elementary education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. The internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588G Supervised Teaching Internship in Elementary Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and passing score on Praxis II content examination.
Co-requisites: EDTE 689
EDTE 689 Advanced Seminar in TeachingFocuses on professional development by encouraging examination of personal theories of teaching and learning; taken in conjunction with the student teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588A Advanced Seminar in Teaching. B or better required to advance.
3 credits
Co-requisites: EDTE 671 or EDTE 673 or EDTE 675 or EDTE 677 or EDTE 681
Secondary Education, Grades 7-12
The secondary education program requires 36 credits and provides a comprehensive core of knowledge and field experiences for students desiring to teach at the middle and high school level (grades 7 through 12). For admission to student teaching, students must have a passing score on the Praxis II content examination in their desired field.
ALL of the following courses must be completed with no more than one grade below a “B”:
Core Requirements (18 credits)
EDCC 510 Human Growth and DevelopmentReviews theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of human development, particularly the relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains. Critical life events and their adjustments from the prenatal period through adulthood are discussed, stressing the interaction between the developing person and a continually changing world. This course contains a field component.
3 credits
EDCC 530 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislated standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration between special educators, regular educators, related service providers, volunteers and parents. Also individual education programs (IEP) are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. The field experiences and observations are integral components of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 541 Foundations of Education and the Art of Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the processes of teaching and learning. These processes are embedded in human development, learning and motivational theories, and learning assessment. The social/cultural factors that have an impact on teaching and learning are also studied. This course will focus on topics of interest for educational psychologists as well as teachers and other professionals working with students. The course reviews theories of learning and styles of teaching from the most traditional to the latest innovations in the field. Classroom management techniques and strategies are studied and teacher candidates are required to analyze these and develop a classroom management plan. Field observations are a component of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 542 Positive Approaches to Teaching Students with Challenging BehaviorThis course reviews the history, theory, and implementation of providing positive behavioral supports to children with and without disabilities in a context of ethical interaction and reflective practice. Students will learn a variety of observational and planning tools for construction of authentic and responsive intervention strategies that lead to productive and inclusive learning communities. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, EDCC 541
EDCC 600 Research in EducationExamines qualitative and quantitative educational research methodologies. Students learn to read, analyze, and interpret the current literature in teaching and learning. Topics include defining the research process, writing a review of the literature, exploring methods of gathering quantitative and qualitative data, developing a research design, and examining ethical issues related to the research process. The skills developed in this course will be important for the development of the capstone topic in the Capstone course. Candidates will be able to interact and share research ideas with the other candidates from the other education programs, such as Teacher Education. Formally titled, "Research in Education and Counseling"
3 credits
EDCC 606 Assessment and Preparation of Individualized Learning PrescriptionsThis course provides a general background in assessment and evaluation issues, strategies, and techniques. Assessments as well as criteria for selecting assessments, inventories, for TESOL (listening, speaking, reading and writing), Special Education (diagnostic and individual evaluations), Elementary Education and Secondary Education. Development of assessments and evaluation tools along with rubrics is included. This course provides review of measurement statistics and practice with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of commonly used norm-referenced instruments and procedures for determination of eligibility for special education. Comparisons are made with informal assessment results, and ways to communicate results are discussed . Writi ng a formal report based on multiple data points is explained and detailed. The IEP process, from referral to eligibility determination and placement, is examined. Extensive field component with hands-on activities are an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
Specialization (12 credits)
EDCI 650 Global and Ethical PerspectivesImproves knowledge about diverse learners and issues in educating these learners by exploring different theoretical, national, and cultural frameworks and perspectives. Develops an understanding of education of diverse learners at the global level.
3 Credits
Prerequisites: None
EDTE 641 Adolescent Culture in LiteratureOffers prospective teachers of adolescents the opportunity to examine their particular life view and development patterns as seen in both classic and contemporary stories about adolescents. Students relate previous learning about this particular group from the perspectives of authors, filmmakers, and journalists and contrast these presentations of youth with their own views on adolescence from personal experience. Students are expected to maintain a journal. This course contains a field experience component. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 642 Teaching Reading in the Content AreaPrepares secondary education teachers to teach the content of their subject areas more effectively. Attention is given both to diagnostic and instructional reading techniques and to various study skills useful in content-area instruction. A field component and observations are integral parts of this course. Formerly EDU 522L Literacy Across the Curriculum and EDU 530 Teaching Reading in the Content Area. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 640 Principles and Methods of Teaching in the Secondary SchoolExamines the major tenets of secondary education emphasizing methodologies appropriate to teaching in the middle and secondary grades. Reviews current research and practice in secondary education. A field component and observations are integral parts of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 520 and EDCC 540
Student Teaching Internship and Seminar in Teaching (6 credits)
BOTH of the following courses:
EDTE 681 Student Teaching in Secondary EducationProvides the student with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in a secondary classroom under the guidance and supervision of a licensed teacher and university supervisor. The internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 598G Supervised Teaching Internship in Secondary Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and a qualifying score on comprehensive examination.
Co-requisite: EDTE 689
EDTE 689 Advanced Seminar in TeachingFocuses on professional development by encouraging examination of personal theories of teaching and learning; taken in conjunction with the student teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588A Advanced Seminar in Teaching. B or better required to advance.
3 credits
Co-requisites: EDTE 671 or EDTE 673 or EDTE 675 or EDTE 677 or EDTE 681
Special Education Specialization (Non-Categorical), Grades K-12
The special education specialization requires 36 credits and provides a comprehensive core of knowledge and field-based experiences for students desiring to teach children and youth with special needs in a variety of special education settings.
ALL of the following courses must be completed with no more than one grade below a “B”:
Core Requirements (18 credits)
EDCC 510 Human Growth and DevelopmentReviews theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of human development, particularly the relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains. Critical life events and their adjustments from the prenatal period through adulthood are discussed, stressing the interaction between the developing person and a continually changing world. This course contains a field component.
3 credits
EDCC 530 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislated standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration between special educators, regular educators, related service providers, volunteers and parents. Also individual education programs (IEP) are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. The field experiences and observations are integral components of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 541 Foundations of Education and the Art of Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the processes of teaching and learning. These processes are embedded in human development, learning and motivational theories, and learning assessment. The social/cultural factors that have an impact on teaching and learning are also studied. This course will focus on topics of interest for educational psychologists as well as teachers and other professionals working with students. The course reviews theories of learning and styles of teaching from the most traditional to the latest innovations in the field. Classroom management techniques and strategies are studied and teacher candidates are required to analyze these and develop a classroom management plan. Field observations are a component of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 542 Positive Approaches to Teaching Students with Challenging BehaviorThis course reviews the history, theory, and implementation of providing positive behavioral supports to children with and without disabilities in a context of ethical interaction and reflective practice. Students will learn a variety of observational and planning tools for construction of authentic and responsive intervention strategies that lead to productive and inclusive learning communities. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, EDCC 541
EDCC 600 Research in EducationExamines qualitative and quantitative educational research methodologies. Students learn to read, analyze, and interpret the current literature in teaching and learning. Topics include defining the research process, writing a review of the literature, exploring methods of gathering quantitative and qualitative data, developing a research design, and examining ethical issues related to the research process. The skills developed in this course will be important for the development of the capstone topic in the Capstone course. Candidates will be able to interact and share research ideas with the other candidates from the other education programs, such as Teacher Education. Formally titled, "Research in Education and Counseling"
3 credits
EDCC 606 Assessment and Preparation of Individualized Learning PrescriptionsThis course provides a general background in assessment and evaluation issues, strategies, and techniques. Assessments as well as criteria for selecting assessments, inventories, for TESOL (listening, speaking, reading and writing), Special Education (diagnostic and individual evaluations), Elementary Education and Secondary Education. Development of assessments and evaluation tools along with rubrics is included. This course provides review of measurement statistics and practice with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of commonly used norm-referenced instruments and procedures for determination of eligibility for special education. Comparisons are made with informal assessment results, and ways to communicate results are discussed . Writi ng a formal report based on multiple data points is explained and detailed. The IEP process, from referral to eligibility determination and placement, is examined. Extensive field component with hands-on activities are an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
Specialization (12 credits)
EDTE 627 Literacy Assessment and Instruction for Emergent and Early ReadersPrepares beginning teachers to instruct young children (Pre-K-Grade 3) in reading, writing, and the language arts. Current theories of reading acquisition and the reading process are discussed in order to provide a theoretical foundation for the practical work. Students learn how to use informal assessments and knowledge of the paths of literacy development to create lesson plans targeting the "cutting edge" of student learning. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Strategies for fostering engagement and motivation in literacy activities will be infused throughout the course. Course content also includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. The field experience is an integral component of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 629 Teaching Students with High Incidence DisabilitiesParticular attention will be paid to the role of educators/individuals working with children identified as having learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral d isabilit ies, speech and language disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, autism, and those presenting with learning/emotional difficulties. Educational approaches developed to meet the special needs of these students will be discussed. Field observations/visits are an integral component of the course. Formerly EDTE 629, Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities and Emotional Disturbances. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 630 Human Relations and Career Education in Special EducationThis course examines contemporary trends and issues in career education and various strategies and methods established to provide for, and to improve the delivery of, appropriate educational and vocational services for students with disabilities as well as personal/social adjustment. A major focus is on the importance of transition planning. Parent/family and professional collaboration in multicultural settings is stressed. The field experience and practica assignments are integral components of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 634 Teaching Students with Significant DisabilitiesThis course provides an in-depth examination of the theory and research associated with the etiological, psychological, and social factors related to students with signif icant di sabilities (including intellectual disabilities, autism, and multiple disabilities). Curriculum development, materials and resources, and teaching strategies and methodologies for students with significant disabilities are introduced, with an emphasis on inclusive settings. Includes field component. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
Formerly EDTE 634, Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, 530, and 541
Student Teaching Internship and Seminar in Teaching (6 credits)
BOTH of the following courses:
EDTE 675 Student Teaching in Special EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in a special education setting under the guidance and supervision of a teacher and college supervisor. Internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom and other learning environments. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 597G Supervised Teaching Internship in Special Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and a 1ualifying score on comprehensive examination in Special Education.
Co-requisites: EDTE 689
EDTE 689 Advanced Seminar in TeachingFocuses on professional development by encouraging examination of personal theories of teaching and learning; taken in conjunction with the student teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588A Advanced Seminar in Teaching. B or better required to advance.
3 credits
Co-requisites: EDTE 671 or EDTE 673 or EDTE 675 or EDTE 677 or EDTE 681
Inclusive Education Dual Licensure
MAT dual licensure candidates will receive licensure in their primary focus area AND special education. This option requires candidates to take four courses in special education in addition to their course sequence in their primary focus area in early childhood education, elementary education or secondary education.
ALL of the following courses must be completed with no more than one grade below a “B”:
Inclusive Education Requirements (12 credits)
EDTE 629 Teaching Students with High Incidence DisabilitiesParticular attention will be paid to the role of educators/individuals working with children identified as having learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral d isabilit ies, speech and language disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, autism, and those presenting with learning/emotional difficulties. Educational approaches developed to meet the special needs of these students will be discussed. Field observations/visits are an integral component of the course. Formerly EDTE 629, Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities and Emotional Disturbances. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 630 Human Relations and Career Education in Special EducationThis course examines contemporary trends and issues in career education and various strategies and methods established to provide for, and to improve the delivery of, appropriate educational and vocational services for students with disabilities as well as personal/social adjustment. A major focus is on the importance of transition planning. Parent/family and professional collaboration in multicultural settings is stressed. The field experience and practica assignments are integral components of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 634 Teaching Students with Significant DisabilitiesThis course provides an in-depth examination of the theory and research associated with the etiological, psychological, and social factors related to students with signif icant di sabilities (including intellectual disabilities, autism, and multiple disabilities). Curriculum development, materials and resources, and teaching strategies and methodologies for students with significant disabilities are introduced, with an emphasis on inclusive settings. Includes field component. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
Formerly EDTE 634, Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, 530, and 541
EDTE 691 Practicum in Special EducationThis course requires candidates to fulfill clinical fieldwork requirements associated with licensure in special education. The internship requires candidate to complete clinical fieldwork associated with the following areas: IEP development; Assessment and Evaluation; Collaboration (with other professionals as well as with parents and families); Culture, Language, Race/Ethnicity (as it is associated with disability issues); and Instructional planning and implementation for students with diverse learning needs.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, & EDCC 541
Program Policies
Student Assessment System:
The School of Education has a Unit Assessment System aligned with its goals, to ensure that all candidates have the knowledge, skills and dispositions necessary to be successful in their respective fields. In conjunction with the Unit Assessment System, the teacher preparation programs (BA and MAT) have assessments designed to ensure that teacher candidates meet the standards of their professional associations. Key assessments have been designed to measure a candidate’s progress through the program. Most of these assessments are embedded in course work, with the exception of the examinations required prior to student teaching. Qualifying scores on the Praxis II exam are required for student teaching in Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Special Education.
Study Abroad:
Courses taken through a study abroad program approved by Trinity may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, education courses taken abroad will not count toward the major, minor, or undergraduate portion of the B.A./M.A.T. Program.
Experiential Credit Policy:
Credits earned through experience may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, experiential credits may not substitute for education courses counted toward the major, minor, or undergraduate portion of the B.A./M.A.T. Program.
Transfer Credits:
Transfer credits may be awarded only after appropriate program review. Courses at the 400-level and above must be completed at Trinity. Courses taken as part of the School of Education program of study must be taken at Trinity.
Course Descriptions
Explanation of Course Prefixes and Numbers
Courses designated EDCC are core courses and common to various programs in the School of Education. Courses designated EDTE are largely specific to the M.A.T. teacher education program. Courses designated EDCI, are offered in conjunction with the Curriculum and Instruction Program.
EDCC – Core Courses
EDCC 510 Human Growth and DevelopmentReviews theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Emphasis is given to the interdisciplinary nature of human development, particularly the relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains. Critical life events and their adjustments from the prenatal period through adulthood are discussed, stressing the interaction between the developing person and a continually changing world. This course contains a field component.
3 credits
EDCC 530 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislated standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration between special educators, regular educators, related service providers, volunteers and parents. Also individual education programs (IEP) are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. The field experiences and observations are integral components of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 541 Foundations of Education and the Art of Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the processes of teaching and learning. These processes are embedded in human development, learning and motivational theories, and learning assessment. The social/cultural factors that have an impact on teaching and learning are also studied. This course will focus on topics of interest for educational psychologists as well as teachers and other professionals working with students. The course reviews theories of learning and styles of teaching from the most traditional to the latest innovations in the field. Classroom management techniques and strategies are studied and teacher candidates are required to analyze these and develop a classroom management plan. Field observations are a component of this course.
3 credits
EDCC 542 Positive Approaches to Teaching Students with Challenging BehaviorThis course reviews the history, theory, and implementation of providing positive behavioral supports to children with and without disabilities in a context of ethical interaction and reflective practice. Students will learn a variety of observational and planning tools for construction of authentic and responsive intervention strategies that lead to productive and inclusive learning communities. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, EDCC 541
EDCC 600 Research in EducationExamines qualitative and quantitative educational research methodologies. Students learn to read, analyze, and interpret the current literature in teaching and learning. Topics include defining the research process, writing a review of the literature, exploring methods of gathering quantitative and qualitative data, developing a research design, and examining ethical issues related to the research process. The skills developed in this course will be important for the development of the capstone topic in the Capstone course. Candidates will be able to interact and share research ideas with the other candidates from the other education programs, such as Teacher Education. Formally titled, "Research in Education and Counseling"
3 credits
EDCC 606 Assessment and Preparation of Individualized Learning PrescriptionsThis course provides a general background in assessment and evaluation issues, strategies, and techniques. Assessments as well as criteria for selecting assessments, inventories, for TESOL (listening, speaking, reading and writing), Special Education (diagnostic and individual evaluations), Elementary Education and Secondary Education. Development of assessments and evaluation tools along with rubrics is included. This course provides review of measurement statistics and practice with the administration, scoring, and interpretation of commonly used norm-referenced instruments and procedures for determination of eligibility for special education. Comparisons are made with informal assessment results, and ways to communicate results are discussed . Writi ng a formal report based on multiple data points is explained and detailed. The IEP process, from referral to eligibility determination and placement, is examined. Extensive field component with hands-on activities are an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE -Teacher Education (M.A.T.) Courses
EDTE 610 Early Childhood Development in Family and CultureExplores the ecology of child development, which focuses on the influences of the culture, community, and the family on the developing child, topics discussed include parental involvement in schools and the roles schools play in the community. The field component and infusion of technology are an integral part of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE 611 Literacy Development Across the CurriculumDevelops an understanding of the developmental continuum of literacy acquisition in early childhood and provides the foundation for learning developmentally appropriate techniques for enhancing early literacy development in children. The administration and interpretation of assessments for emergent and early literacy is included as a necessary component of planning effective instruction and learning opportunities. Infusing literacy promoting activities through the use of children's literature and other content areas of the early childhood curriculum will be stressed. The field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 552T. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE 613 Developing Concepts in Early Childhood Mathematics and ScienceDeveloping concepts in early childhood mathematics and science for diverse learners; observations, measurement, and experiments in mathematics and science will be explored. Teacher candidates construct units and integrate them across two content areas. The field component is an integral part of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510 and EDCC 541
EDTE 621 Teaching for Mathematical InquiryExamines elementary mathematics education methods and curriculum materials. Topics include current approaches to teaching mathematics, individualized programs, integrating mathematical understanding across the curriculum, and the development and implementation of mathematics laboratory activities in the classroom. Implications of research and theory to the teaching of mathematics are considered. The field component is an integral part of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 622 Teaching for Scientific InquiryExamines elementary science education methods, curriculum materials, and teaching strategies. Emphasis is on teaching strategies and materials that encou rage exploration and guided discovery and on the integration of scientific inquiry across the curriculum. The implications of research and theory to the teaching of science are considered. An activity-centered approach is used to study topics in science. The field experience is an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 623 Language, Literature, and CultureIntroduces students to the major concepts and modes of inquiry in the academic disciplines included within social studies: history; geography; the social sciences, including economics and other related areas. Students use this knowledge to design integrated instruction which will assist elementary age children in using a variety of sources and experiences to construct a knowledge base in social studies. Students use social studies concepts and themes to develop higher order thinking skills, research skill and to promote good citizenship in elementary age children. The field experience is an integral component of the course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 624 Children's LiteratureSurveys children's literature with emphasis on works by major authors and illustrators. Topics include criteria for evaluating literature, sexism and multicultural aspects of literature for children, and integrating literature into the curriculum. Genres covered in the course include picture books, folktales, fables, myths, modern fantasy, poetry, and modern and historical fiction. A field component may be required. Formerly EDU 514 Children's Literature. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 627 Literacy Assessment and Instruction for Emergent and Early ReadersPrepares beginning teachers to instruct young children (Pre-K-Grade 3) in reading, writing, and the language arts. Current theories of reading acquisition and the reading process are discussed in order to provide a theoretical foundation for the practical work. Students learn how to use informal assessments and knowledge of the paths of literacy development to create lesson plans targeting the "cutting edge" of student learning. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Strategies for fostering engagement and motivation in literacy activities will be infused throughout the course. Course content also includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. The field experience is an integral component of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 629 Teaching Students with High Incidence DisabilitiesParticular attention will be paid to the role of educators/individuals working with children identified as having learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral d isabilit ies, speech and language disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, autism, and those presenting with learning/emotional difficulties. Educational approaches developed to meet the special needs of these students will be discussed. Field observations/visits are an integral component of the course. Formerly EDTE 629, Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities and Emotional Disturbances. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 630 Human Relations and Career Education in Special EducationThis course examines contemporary trends and issues in career education and various strategies and methods established to provide for, and to improve the delivery of, appropriate educational and vocational services for students with disabilities as well as personal/social adjustment. A major focus is on the importance of transition planning. Parent/family and professional collaboration in multicultural settings is stressed. The field experience and practica assignments are integral components of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 634 Teaching Students with Significant DisabilitiesThis course provides an in-depth examination of the theory and research associated with the etiological, psychological, and social factors related to students with signif icant di sabilities (including intellectual disabilities, autism, and multiple disabilities). Curriculum development, materials and resources, and teaching strategies and methodologies for students with significant disabilities are introduced, with an emphasis on inclusive settings. Includes field component. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
Formerly EDTE 634, Teaching Students with Intellectual Disabilities.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, 530, and 541
EDTE 641 Adolescent Culture in LiteratureOffers prospective teachers of adolescents the opportunity to examine their particular life view and development patterns as seen in both classic and contemporary stories about adolescents. Students relate previous learning about this particular group from the perspectives of authors, filmmakers, and journalists and contrast these presentations of youth with their own views on adolescence from personal experience. Students are expected to maintain a journal. This course contains a field experience component. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 642 Teaching Reading in the Content AreaPrepares secondary education teachers to teach the content of their subject areas more effectively. Attention is given both to diagnostic and instructional reading techniques and to various study skills useful in content-area instruction. A field component and observations are integral parts of this course. Formerly EDU 522L Literacy Across the Curriculum and EDU 530 Teaching Reading in the Content Area. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, and EDCC 541
EDTE 640 Principles and Methods of Teaching in the Secondary SchoolExamines the major tenets of secondary education emphasizing methodologies appropriate to teaching in the middle and secondary grades. Reviews current research and practice in secondary education. A field component and observations are integral parts of this course. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 520 and EDCC 540
EDTE 671 Student Teaching in Early Childhood EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an early childhood education school setting, under the guidance and supervision of a licensed teacher and college supervisor. The internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 568G Supervised Teaching Internship in Early Childhood Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and passing score on the Praxis II content examination.
Co-requisite: EDTE 689
EDTE 673 Student Teaching in Elementary EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an elementary education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. The internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588G Supervised Teaching Internship in Elementary Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and passing score on Praxis II content examination.
Co-requisites: EDTE 689
EDTE 675 Student Teaching in Special EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in a special education setting under the guidance and supervision of a teacher and college supervisor. Internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom and other learning environments. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 597G Supervised Teaching Internship in Special Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and a 1ualifying score on comprehensive examination in Special Education.
Co-requisites: EDTE 689
EDTE 681 Student Teaching in Secondary EducationProvides the student with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in a secondary classroom under the guidance and supervision of a licensed teacher and university supervisor. The internship is designed to provide a graduated, incremental learning experience in the classroom. In addition to planning student learning experiences, the teaching intern is engaged in active research. Professional development seminars are held in conjunction with the teaching internship. Formerly EDU 598G Supervised Teaching Internship in Secondary Education. A grade of B or higher is required to advance.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of all core and specialization courses and a qualifying score on comprehensive examination.
Co-requisite: EDTE 689
EDTE 689 Advanced Seminar in TeachingFocuses on professional development by encouraging examination of personal theories of teaching and learning; taken in conjunction with the student teaching internship. Formerly EDU 588A Advanced Seminar in Teaching. B or better required to advance.
3 credits
Co-requisites: EDTE 671 or EDTE 673 or EDTE 675 or EDTE 677 or EDTE 681
EDTE 691 Practicum in Special EducationThis course requires candidates to fulfill clinical fieldwork requirements associated with licensure in special education. The internship requires candidate to complete clinical fieldwork associated with the following areas: IEP development; Assessment and Evaluation; Collaboration (with other professionals as well as with parents and families); Culture, Language, Race/Ethnicity (as it is associated with disability issues); and Instructional planning and implementation for students with diverse learning needs.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 510, EDCC 530, & EDCC 541