Trinity 125th Anniversary Reunion and Celebration
Saturday, October 29
We welcome ALL alumnae and alumni, from all classes and all schools, to a festive Trinity Reunion, with a 125th Anniversary Convocation, grand luncheon, late afternoon Liturgy and reception on the front lawn.
9:00 am: Welcome, registration and coffee: Main Hall.
10:00 am: 125th Anniversary Convocation: Notre Dame Chapel
- Seniors in the Class of 2023 will receive their caps and gowns
- Honorary degrees awarded to notable alumnae and friends
- Special tribute to the Sisters of Notre Dame
Noon: Festive 125th Reunion Luncheon: Trinity Center
- ALL Alumnae and Alumni from all classes are welcome
- Special tribute to the 50th Reunion Class of 1972
Afternoon: Catch up with classmates, re-connect with graduates in your school (nursing, education, professional and graduate studies), tour the campus.
2:00pm: Soccer Game: Everyone is invited! Bring your family and friends and cheer for the Trinity Tigers!
4:00 pm: 125th Anniversary Liturgy in Notre Dame Chapel
- Cardinal Wilton Gregory presiding
Farewell reception following liturgy on the front lawn