
Biologically, my black is formed from a cell.

Socially, it’s not accepted and placed within a four-walled cell.

Why should the makeup of my internal composition ever determine my social disposition?

There’s a saying that everyone wants to be black until it’s time to be black

They want the Melanocyte,

Yet flee when it’s time to fight.

We code switch to fit in,

bleaching the Blackness of our voices for them…

a white lie we’re subjected to for that tiny taste of privilege.

Will we ever break from this bondage?

The Declaration of Independence states that all men are equal in this nation.

Why is it that those of color are looked down on, but yet we’re the center of their appropriation?

How can an individual be illegal?

This Earth belongs to no one.

Their egos are so massive that they believe to be regal

with their heads far up their asses

brown nosing their way up the political hierarchy with black face

as if we all aren’t one race

separated by a single cell that changes our hue.

The politics of being colored are only black and blue where all lives matter, but black don’t matter too.

True Blue gets away with brutality while the red and white gather crews.

This blackface nonsense circulates on the news.

They want that Melanosight, they’ll never see what we see

Cause to them, 154 years ago is a long trip from slavery.

The effects still prominent in our communities

and shithole countries.

This month given for our history is a lifelong journey for we.