Don’t Touch My Eyes

Don’t touch my eyes

For they be the windows to my soul

I have never been the type to hide it so don’t force me to

I always see blurs when I allow my lids to kiss

As if I can see all the shadows and the evil that lurks beyond

sometimes that evil feels like coming home

I cross through worlds as I dream

My eyes dancing across the pages

my eyes flare when it rages my soul be bare why would I ever want it closed?

Don’t touch my eyes

Even when they well up with the tears of futility

Absently they know that it won’t change the outcome but their outcome won’t change either

my eyes can’t fight my battles like my mouth fists feet kick so it licks my wounds with salt water

And it makes them puffy and tired but they put in the work because there isn’t anyone else who could

My eyes know my soul be tired

be weak

be ready to break and scatter to the winds

it does what it can to keep my soul within

Don’t touch my eyes

They want to absorb everything they see

See the smiles and the love

love becomes visible when eyes meet mine

I see the soul in everyone’s eyes

And sometimes I want to shy away and cover mine because the severity be far too much

But I don’t because I want to see you as much as my eyes let you see me so please

Don’t touch my eyes