Do You See Me…Do You See Us?

The paranoia uno siente

When someone may know your verdad.

The fear que viene

When you’re unsure cómo lo van a tomar.


Will they befriend you

Or dejarte a un lado?

Will they support you

Or peor, bring you down?


Aquí hay mucho que perder

Los sacrificios de mis padres valen tanto.

Estoy aquí por ellos

Y sin ellos no soy NADA.


Our futures are uncertain

And yet, cada día seguimos avanzando paso a paso.

Because I have to continue to believe

That better days are closer.


El peso que llevó sobre mi espalda

No son solamente mis sueños.

It is the dreams and success of my family, my generation


And all my lovely people who will follow thereafter.

I am here to stay

No matter how hard it gets.

This is all I have known

This has been my only life.


I am here to flourish

There is so much more to achieve.

I just need the chance

So you will recognize who I am, who WE are



No nos detendremos aquí.